- 1). Put your rough ideas down on paper. Include the textual information about the event or item that you are advertising. Play around with your ideas for illustrations or photos; the sketching phase allows you to work out any composition problems in your layout, experiment with ideas or try variations of your textual information.
- 2). Take digital photographs based on your sketches. It's better to have more photos than you need than fewer, so if you aren't sure you've gotten the right shot, take some more. If you're on a budget or aren't handy with a digital camera, consider using a clip art CD to provide yourself with color illustrations for your flyer. Usually these CDs contain a variety of images and pictures in a different styles.
- 3). Log on to your computer and create a file folder to store the files related to your project in one place.
- 4). Upload your photos from your camera to the computer. Save the ones you want in your file. Make sure the ones you save have vibrant colors for the most eye-catching results.
- 5). Begin laying out your flyer by opening up your graphic design program and creating a design document. There are a number on the market for your to choose from. Some common ones include Microsoft Publisher, Adobe Photoshop and Quark. Use the program you are most familiar with.
- 6). Import the pictures (or illustrations) from your file folder into your flyer document. Refer to your sketches as you make the layout of your flyer. The process will go faster because you've already worked out the design.
- 7). Type in the textual information about your event. Experiment with different colors for your fonts. While black may be the easiest to read, words or letters in colors like red or purple will stand out more and help you utilize the potential of your color flyer to the fullest. Save your work periodically.
- 8). Print out the number of flyers you need.