Health & Medical Anxiety

Panic Attack Symptoms - Curing the Source

Medications will mask panic attack symptoms and provide temporary relief.
What if we could cure the problem once and for all? Well, we can, by using proven techniques which I will reveal here.
Getting to the source will cure the problem.
In this day and age of high pressure jobs and trying to juggle both work and family, anxiety will creep in, and for some, panic attack symptoms will develop and occur without notice.
They can be devastating and you feel powerless.
Not anymore.
Standing in line at the grocery store, you suddenly feel overwhelmed.
Your heart begins to race and it feels like your chest is about to explode.
Your breathing quickens and dizziness hits.
Then you drop your groceries and flee to safety.
Those are typical panic attack symptoms, and there is a way to stop them before they get the best of you.
Go over this last episode in your head, in the safety of your home.
You are in line, waiting to check out.
Then those feeling begin to creep in.
Now, change the scenario in your mind.
Take a deep breath, in through the nose, hold it, exhale out of the mouth, all the while concentrating on your breathing and saying I am in control.
Go through the scenario again, this time eliminating the panic attack symptoms totally.
You are in line as before, and calm.
You happily chat with the person next to you.
You are relaxed and in control.
Now you pay for your groceries and exit the store as happy as you went in.
The idea is if you go into a situation with apprehension, you are setting yourself up for another attack.
Do not worry about when another attack will hit.
Have a positive attitude at all times.
Practice deep breathing and visualization often.
Use imagery to create successful situations.
Once you find the source of your anxiety you can meet it head on and overcome them.
Do not give the attack the opportunity.
Head it off at the pass.
The second you start feeling uncomfortable, focus on breathing and thinking good thoughts, pleasant thoughts.
Picture yourself on the beach or other pleasant spot you feel safe in.
Do this until the panic attack symptoms subside.
Then pat yourself on the back for not running! Train The Subconscious Have you heard of subliminal therapy? It is being used for self help in weight loss, quitting smoking and for treating panic attack symptoms as well.
It is very effective if you find a reputable company.
Most cassettes are inexpensive and the CD format is available for under thirty dollars.
You choose either nature sounds or soothing music and play them while you sleep or while meditating.
You can overcome anxiety and panic attacks using natural methods.
Give them an honest try before resorting to drug therapy.
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