Menopause is the close of a chapter the a woman's life and the opening of another--WEIGHT GAIN! Will these hormones never quit reeking havoc! Hey Ladies! Looks like we finally made it! Got rid of the "curse" or whatever pet name you call it.
Free from the gambit of supplies and medication necessary to get through that "time of the month".
Life should start slowing down - or at least leveling out, but WRONG! Now we are faced with growing middles, elastic waists and rising numbers on the scale.
Our mood pendulum is swinging way out of bounds.
We can't walk up a flight of steps without huffing and puffing and well...
where did all this sweat come from? Unfortunately, we have depleting estrogen and increasing fat deposits.
What's a woman to do? As women age they tend to gain weight.
The metabolic rate decreases as we age.
It also decreases during menopause.
So we get two for the price of one.
What a deal! This rate decrease results in a fat buildup, especially if no lifestyle changes counteract it.
Most women tend to gain the weight around the mid section.
If your mom or your aunt Molly are round around the middle you will probably be inclined to be that way too.
These female tendencies tend to be genetic.
HOWEVER You don't have to just sit back and accept your fate.
Let me introduce you to a new revolutionary program.
Are you tired to the endless dieting hoop la out there that promises, but doesn't produce? Low carbohydrate diet, low fat diet, water diet, vegetarian diet, protein diet.
Have you tried them all, but failed time after time? Know why? MOST DIETS DON'T WORK! It's that simple, and it's not fair to you.
You deserve a break and you deserve to lose weight and/or keep it off forever.
You deserve to be healthy, and happy, and full of energy.
The name of our system is Strip That Fat! That's what it does.
This system (not diet) lets you strip any unwanted fat from your body and will actually make you look and feel younger.
You'll get that healthy glow and your energy level will be ballistic! This system does not scold you or berate you.
It encourages you with guidance and support all the way.
Strip That Fat is the top dieting program available online today.
The reason is Strip That Fat works.
It is actually helping people lose weight! It can help you too! You don't have to gain weight during menopause! Help is here! Reach out and grab it!
Free from the gambit of supplies and medication necessary to get through that "time of the month".
Life should start slowing down - or at least leveling out, but WRONG! Now we are faced with growing middles, elastic waists and rising numbers on the scale.
Our mood pendulum is swinging way out of bounds.
We can't walk up a flight of steps without huffing and puffing and well...
where did all this sweat come from? Unfortunately, we have depleting estrogen and increasing fat deposits.
What's a woman to do? As women age they tend to gain weight.
The metabolic rate decreases as we age.
It also decreases during menopause.
So we get two for the price of one.
What a deal! This rate decrease results in a fat buildup, especially if no lifestyle changes counteract it.
Most women tend to gain the weight around the mid section.
If your mom or your aunt Molly are round around the middle you will probably be inclined to be that way too.
These female tendencies tend to be genetic.
HOWEVER You don't have to just sit back and accept your fate.
Let me introduce you to a new revolutionary program.
Are you tired to the endless dieting hoop la out there that promises, but doesn't produce? Low carbohydrate diet, low fat diet, water diet, vegetarian diet, protein diet.
Have you tried them all, but failed time after time? Know why? MOST DIETS DON'T WORK! It's that simple, and it's not fair to you.
You deserve a break and you deserve to lose weight and/or keep it off forever.
You deserve to be healthy, and happy, and full of energy.
The name of our system is Strip That Fat! That's what it does.
This system (not diet) lets you strip any unwanted fat from your body and will actually make you look and feel younger.
You'll get that healthy glow and your energy level will be ballistic! This system does not scold you or berate you.
It encourages you with guidance and support all the way.
Strip That Fat is the top dieting program available online today.
The reason is Strip That Fat works.
It is actually helping people lose weight! It can help you too! You don't have to gain weight during menopause! Help is here! Reach out and grab it!