Health & Medical Addiction & Recovery

Quit Smoking Simply By Touching Your Ear?

How the Science of Auriculotherapy Can Put an End to Addictions, Cure Chronic Pain, Heal Hypertension, Eliminate Excess Weight, and Overcome More than 350 Diseases

Most people have heard of acupressure treating symptoms by applying pressure to certain points of the body. What most people havent heard is that the scientifically-based secret to healing is even simpler than full-on acupressureand certainly simpler than prescription medication... and all you have to do is touch your ear!

The secret to these incredibleand incredibly simplebenefits is auriculotherapy, an ancient Chinese healing art that, despite centuries of prestige and success in eastern medicine, your doctor may not even know about yet. Thats too bad for both of you though, because not only is auriculotherapy recognized and approved by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the simple art is oh-so easy for you to do at homeand its completely, totally free!

The Truth Behind the Touch That Will Change Your Life

Auriculotherapy works by utilizing your amazing outer ear (the auricle), which acts as a type of mini map for the entire body. Each of a group of reflex points on the auricle corresponds with a specific organ or system in the body. When stimulated with the fingers, these reflex points release a flood of feel-good biochemicals, like endorphins and enkephalins. These biochemicals travel to the reflex points corresponding pain point and instantly alleviate symptoms ranging from nicotine cravings to hunger pangs to high blood pressureand they do it without the use of prescription medication or expensive in-office treatments.

Lets Look at Some Examples

Say youre a smoker who wants to cut the butts. Youve tried everything to no avail, which, if you think about it, is understandable. After all, nicotine is known to be three times more addictive than heroin! Enter auriculotherapy, which simply requires that you press a point on your ear, known as the Nicotine Point.
This gentle stimulation actually tricks the body into thinking it is receiving nicotine by releasing endorphins that bind to the very same neuroreceptors that the chemical would. Although youll feel the nicotine-like effects your body craves, youll be feeling them without so much as a puff of a cigarette. As you continue to utilize auricuotherapy, the addictive neural pathway in your brain becomes obsolete, meaning thatvery soonyou wont even crave nicotine!
And thats just one example of the amazing benefits of ear acupressure. In fact, auriculothearpy is known to work on:

Weight loss
Appetite control
Improved sexual desire
Hypertension (high blood pressure)
Nicotine, alcohol and prescription drug addiction
Sleepless nights (insomnia)
Stress and its related health problems
Memory loss
Plus, over 350 additional diseases and conditions!

Why Auriculotherapy?

Auriculotherapy is an amazing way to reduce your dependence on medication, and that couldnt be more crucial! Consider that:

Prescription drugs are the 4th leading cause of death in both the U.S. and Canada. In fact
An estimated 106,000 patients die annually from properly prescribed and administered prescription medication. Meanwhile
Some 2,000,000 patients experience serious side effects from the very medications that are supposed to help their conditions!

And if your health and well-being werent enough of a reason to ditch the drugs and try auriculotherapy, think about the cost to you: absolutely nothing! Compare that to the average $137.90 per prescription that youd pay for brand name medication.

To recap: Auriculotherapy is totally free for you, and safe for your body. It's a win-win for both your wallet and your health.

If youre interested in living a fuller, richer, healthier life with just a gentle touch to the right part of the ear, click here. Youll find The Amazing Science of Auriculotherapy: Pain Relief, Smoking Cessastion, Weight Loss and Healing of 350 Diseases Through Ear Pressure, an e-book that is your virtual key to unlocking the best you youve ever experienced. Full of individual ear diagrams (to help you find the exact spot you need), plus a complete description of this simple, do-it-yourself healing process and detailed instructions on how to rebuild your healthy body.
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