Business & Finance Careers & Employment

Graduate Jobs - Starting a New Life

Its not the same for everyone, of course, but for the legendary student who thinks that the social life is more important than the lectures, things have to change.
Things that might not have caused problems during their student life, might could well cause real problems in their new life.
For example, whereas they might have been able to get away with turning up for morning lectures with a hangover, they are likely to have problems if they start turning up like that once they have started in their new graduate jobs.
It's tempting, of course, for such students to think that its only the initial job interview that they need to worry about.
In other words, if they simply "make an effort" on the day, and perform well at the interview, then afterwards they will be able to carry on as before.
But the bad news is that, at the interview, they will have created expectations that they would then be expected to fulfill once appointed to their graduate jobs.
And this applies not just about hangovers, but to the whole student image.
As a first stage in making this transition from the world of study to the world of work, they might therefore consider making a conscious effort to move towards a more professional "image".
For different people this will mean different things but, for many, a good start might be ...
Start, where necessary, to adjust lifestyles so that you are fresh and alert in the mornings.
If this means less late night "activities", and going to bed earlier, then so be it.
If necessary, invest in some smart new clothes, for the coming interviews and for the subsequent work in their new graduate jobs.
And it would be a good idea to get used to wearing them well before they start getting invited to interviews.
Then, with the new professional image, and outlook, they will be ready to start sifting through the adverts for graduate jobs.
Newspapers and trade oriented magazines are the traditional place to start, but in recent years there has been a growing trend to register on the Internet jobs boards.
On these jobs boards, employers register their jobs, job-seekers register their details and what kind of job they want, and the jobs board computers continuously and automatically seek matches, and then send out Email alerts.
And if, after sifting through the newspapers and jobs boards, they are still looking for suitable graduate jobs, there is yet another approach that they could try.
Indeed, for those that are suited to this kind of thing, and for positions that require "initiative" and/or a degree of salesmanship, this might be the ideal approach.
This method begins with some research.
Rather than waiting for jobs to be advertised, the job-seeker sets out to find some companies that employ graduates and could possibly use someone with his/her skills.
The Internet (web-sites) would be a good place to start, followed up by making enquiries through their universities advisory services, and perhaps via their employment consultants.
The objective would be to find out as much as possible about the selected companies.
The graduate jobs-seeker then sends his/her CV together with an exploratory letter to the company.
Hopefully as a result of previous research this will be able to be sent to an appropriate, named person (perhaps the head of HR, or the head of the appropriate department).
The purport of the letter would be to ask to be kept in mind if any suitable vacancy should arise, and it goes without saying that both the letter and the CV need to be scripted to professional standards.
A follow up phone call could then be made to that same named person a few days later to check that the graduate jobs seeking letter had been received, and to offer to answer any questions arising.
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