Insurance Auto Insurance & Registration

Car Insurance Lobbyist Have Dictated Your Driving Privileges in Most States!

In the United States we have a process called Democracy that companies have found a way around called Lobbyist. The job of the lobbyist is to get the companies they work for interests represented in the government.
The auto insurance lobbyists group have done their job very well. They helped in the states receiving the mandatory auto insurance policy law.
The states then get the task of implementing it. The law has federal guidelines in the beginning. The individual states add more guidelines.
The lobbyist for the auto insurance group on the states level of governments helps in implementing guidelines that they have suggested. Now here is where the problem lies for some states that give a little more freedom to lobbyists' suggestions. The lobbyist are working for the auto insurance companies interest, so their suggestions are going to be more favorable towards the insurance companies. The policies that each state has on the auto insurance industries is different in each state.
The state that I currently reside in says that even though there is a mandatory auto insurance, you must carry an uninsured motorist on your policy. I think that policy is stupid if everyone must have auto insurance why have an uninsured motorist policy mandatory?
I think the auto insurance companies have made it a policy to find ways to separate you from your money. You pay money to these people to have a sense of protection against the unknown. I personally don't know of anyone that likes to make an insurance claim. I don't think anyone wants higher rates on their insurance. I think that the insurance policies are a scam. The companies make millions a year and reinvest it into other companies to make more of a profit on your money. The sad part of it all is they don't always want to pay on the accident claim.
Did you know that some states you pay for the location you live in rather than a driving record you have? The way this works is if you live in a certain zip code you pay more. The other way this works is if you live in the city limits you pay higher rate than a person living in a rural address. The person living in the rural address can travel to the city limits everyday and still pays less.
The auto insurance companies actually invest in your local law enforcement officials equipment. They spend money every year in equipment for the use of stopping drunks and speeders on the roadway.
Lets look at some other facts on how they dictate your driving privileges. Have you paid for a new car lately and found that your insurance cost as much as the car payments. Do you have a teen driver in your house that you have to carry on your insurance? Then you know what paying out to insurance really is. The fact is if you drive for a living you should look at your state laws on insurance and find ways to save yourself some money.
Checkout Oregon's insurance policy
Checkout Washington's insurance policy
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