When it comes to human resources development, there is never a lack of training programs and team-building sessions which encourage workers to build rapport with their fellow employees.
Another relationship which falls right into human resources is that which exists between an employee and his boss.
Your relationship with your boss could be the most important relationship you build within your work.
He is the last person you would want to compete with.
When you're employed, you get picked for the job.
Still you have the choice to know more about your boss and relate well with him to make your relationship better.
Whether your boss is the chairman of a multinational giant, the manager of a sales company, or the supervisor of an engineering firm, he is a person, too.
Behind the boss image could be a devoted family man, a quiet hobbyist, or an athletic sportsman.
Besides, everyone has their likable qualities despite their quirks.
You only have to find out.
Likewise, your boss will not feel as isolated as he does as the senior member of your group.
Once you get to know your boss as a real person, a level of comfort and trust will be established early into the working relationship.
When you know how to manage your boss, you improve the quality of work life and you increase the level of job satisfaction.
It also follows that you enjoy your work time and ease your work load.
Another relationship which falls right into human resources is that which exists between an employee and his boss.
Your relationship with your boss could be the most important relationship you build within your work.
He is the last person you would want to compete with.
- Is your boss supportive and approachable?
- Are you open about problems and requests for mornings-off?
- Is your boss judgmental about your personal life, and does he remind you constantly to be grateful you have a job at all?
When you're employed, you get picked for the job.
Still you have the choice to know more about your boss and relate well with him to make your relationship better.
Whether your boss is the chairman of a multinational giant, the manager of a sales company, or the supervisor of an engineering firm, he is a person, too.
Behind the boss image could be a devoted family man, a quiet hobbyist, or an athletic sportsman.
Besides, everyone has their likable qualities despite their quirks.
You only have to find out.
Likewise, your boss will not feel as isolated as he does as the senior member of your group.
Once you get to know your boss as a real person, a level of comfort and trust will be established early into the working relationship.
When you know how to manage your boss, you improve the quality of work life and you increase the level of job satisfaction.
It also follows that you enjoy your work time and ease your work load.