Pets & Animal Dog Breeds

Aggressive Dog Training Solutions

There are many problems dog owners encounter with their pets, but one of the scariest, and often hardest behavioral problems to curb is aggression.
Often the aggression is directed only at other dogs, while with extreme cases the aggression can be directed at people, maybe even the owners themselves.
All to often the root of these problems are overlooked, and therefore the proper solution to the problem is never reached.
Fear, dominance, territorial issues, medical problems, an abusive past and even the breed of dog may be the reason behind the overly aggressive behavior your dog is displaying.
Let's take a look into some of the root causes of aggressive behavior.
In order to solve the problem, it's important to understand where it may be coming from.
It is a fact, some breeds can be more aggressive than others.
Breeds like Pit Bulls, Dobermans, and Rottweilers all have the reputation of being aggressive.
Just because you own one of these breeds doesn't mean you need to get rid of your dog and trade him in for a poodle.
Nine times out of ten you will find a loyal and loving pet with any of these breeds that are known for aggression.
If you have a dog that is commonly associated with aggressive behavior, read and study everything you can about the breed, in order to gain some insight on the best approach to solve the issue.
Territorial issues are very often the cause of aggressive behavior in dogs.
It's in a dog's nature to claim and establish their own territory, and when this territory is threatened it can often result in the dog lashing out at other dogs (or people) who step into their domain.
A dominant dog is always trying to prove that he is the man, that he is the leader of the pack.
This can often lead to aggressive behavior from your dog.
One thing the dog owner must remember, is that if the dog thinks he is alpha of the pack, he will feel obligated as the leader of the pack to defend the domain.
If the dog sees you, the owner, as leader of the pack, then he will know it's okay when you accept foreigners into the domain.
So how do you turn the table, and make your dog see you as the alpha? Most importantly, you must project the energy that you are the calm, assertive, in control leader to earn the respect from your dog to see you as alpha.
When you take your dog on a walk, do not let him walk in front of you, alpha leads.
When you walk through your front door, make sure you go first, then you give permission to your dog to come through when you say it's okay.
Do not let your dog sleep with you, as this can confuse the pecking order in his mind.
The alpha dog sleeps alone and always has the best choice of bedding.
Little by little with patience and repetition the practice of these tricks will eventually let your dog know who's boss, and hopefully give you more control over your aggressive dog's behavior.
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