Law & Legal & Attorney Government & administrative Law

Reflective Tape Regulations

    All Trailers

    • The NHTSA requires that all trailers, whatever their size, have reflective strips. The rear of the vehicle must display at least two strips of red reflective tape as far apart as possible and between 15 and 60 inches from the ground. The trailer also must have similar strips on its sides as far back as possible. The regulations require two yellow reflective tape strips as far forward as possible on the side of the trailer.

    Trailers 30 Feet or Longer

    • For a trailer 30 feet or longer, the NHTSA requires at least two yellow reflective strips on the side of the trailer halfway between the front and back. The strips must be adhered between 15 and 60 inches from the ground.

    Trailers 80 Inches and Wider

    • Any trailer 80 inches or wider that weighs more than 10,000 pounds must display two pairs of 12-inch-long white reflective strips on the rear upper corners. The NHTSA also requires a continuous red and white reflective strip horizontally along the rear bumper. as well as a continuous red and white reflective strip on the full width of the rear lower body of the trailer, between 15 and 60 inches from the ground. Trailer owners must also place a continuous red and white reflective strip along the side of the trailer for at least half of its length and between 15 and 60 inches from the ground.

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