End your auctions when everyone is home: The time you list your auctions can have a big effect on the number of bids your auction receives and the closing price of your auctions.
The time when your auction usually gets the most bids is near the end.
If you have listed an auction for 7 days, the whole seven days have been building up to the end of the auction.
The end is when the last minute bidding begins, bidders desperately try to out bid one another to win the auction.
The end of your auction is also when it gets the most traffic because the less time your auction has left the higher it places in the search results of someone that is looking for items similar to yours.
So what is the best time to list? A better question would be: when is the best time for an auction to close? The best time for an auction to close is in the evenings and on weekends.
Why? Because that is when most people are home! You want to make sure that when your auction is closing, everyone that is bidding on it or is interested in biddingon it is free to do so.
What would happen if your auction closes at 9 am on a Monday morning? Everyone would be either sleeping or going to work and no one would have the time or energy to place any bids.
You need to make your auction end at the bidder's convenience, in other words when the bidder is home and surfing the internet, in the evening or weekend.
How important is it to end your auctions when everyone is home and on their computer? Studies have shown that a listing that ends at peak hours can attract up to 25% more bids that one that has a poorly timed ending.
This is something you should definitely look into because simply listing your auctions at certain times is probably the easiest and most effortless ways to attract more bids and make hire profits.
So if you want to increase your profits; you should have your auctions end at anywhere from 8 pm - 11 pm in the evening, or end on weekends (in the afternoons).
In other words, your auctions should end when everyone is home and has a chance to place a bid.
100% money back guarantee: You need to make your potential costumers feel comfortable, completely safe and take away any fears or doubts they may have about buying from you.
A very effective way to accomplish that is to give a 100% money back guarantee.
This is no "secret".
Nearly every retail store, internet store, manufacturer and power seller does this.
And yet a lot of eBay sellers try to avoid it.
Some sellers are scared of buyers taking advantage of their money back guarantees, so they either create a huge list of rules and regulations that simply scare people away or have a "no refunds" policy.
A guarantee's purpose is to take away any fear or doubt people may have about buying from you, some seller's guarantees do the exact opposite; there are just too many scary rules and stipulations.
That's why you need a %100 money back guarantee with no strings attached! The only "string" you need in your 100% money back guarantee is a time limit.
The best time limit to give is a 90 days.
Don't worry, most items are returned within the first couple of weeks, so if they haven't returned it in the first 30 day their most likely keeping it.
So why give 90 days instead of 30? Because it sounds better, Would you rather have 30 day guarantee or a 90 day one? 90 days it is.
A 90 day 100% money back guarantee can do wonders for your business, it will take away doubts, fears and uncomfortable feelings of skeptical visitors and make them choose you over other sellers that have less promising guarantees.
If you are scared to offer a guarantee, don't be.
You will gain more money that you loose.
Sure there might be some people who take advantage of your kindness, use the product for 90 days and return it.
But that is inevitable, the only way to completely avoid those nasty people is to never do anything.
Stop being so scared, you will gain much more than you loose.
Professionally designed listing graphics: Professionally designed listing graphics have been proven to increase the number of bids an auctions receives by up to 25%.
And that is why getting hiring a graphics designer to design your auction graphics is worth every penny.
How can graphics increase the number of bids your auctions get by up to 25%? Well, let's see: First of all a unique design will give you an identity and make you stand out from a crowed.
Graphics can give your auction listings a professional appearance, and most people want to deal with professionals not amateurs.
A unique design will keep people thinking of you.
Every time a costumer comes across one of your listings they will recognize you.
Big companies pay hundreds of millions of dollars to gain recognition, why? Because most people tent to trust companies they recognize over companies they have never heard of before.
Those are some of the main reason why professionally designed listing graphics can dramatically increase the number of bids your auctions receive.
There are many more reasons why you should get your own auction listing design, but the most important thing you should know is 25% more bids translates into a lot of extra money.
End your auctions when everyone is home: The time you list your auctions can have a big effect on the number of bids your auction receives and the closing price of your auctions.
The time when your auction usually gets the most bids is near the end.
If you have listed an auction for 7 days, the whole seven days have been building up to the end of the auction.
The end is when the last minute bidding begins, bidders desperately try to out bid one another to win the auction.
The end of your auction is also when it gets the most traffic because the less time your auction has left the higher it places in the search results of someone that is looking for items similar to yours.
So what is the best time to list? A better question would be: when is the best time for an auction to close? The best time for an auction to close is in the evenings and on weekends.
Why? Because that is when most people are home! You want to make sure that when your auction is closing, everyone that is bidding on it or is interested in biddingon it is free to do so.
What would happen if your auction closes at 9 am on a Monday morning? Everyone would be either sleeping or going to work and no one would have the time or energy to place any bids.
You need to make your auction end at the bidder's convenience, in other words when the bidder is home and surfing the internet, in the evening or weekend.
How important is it to end your auctions when everyone is home and on their computer? Studies have shown that a listing that ends at peak hours can attract up to 25% more bids that one that has a poorly timed ending.
This is something you should definitely look into because simply listing your auctions at certain times is probably the easiest and most effortless ways to attract more bids and make hire profits.
So if you want to increase your profits; you should have your auctions end at anywhere from 8 pm - 11 pm in the evening, or end on weekends (in the afternoons).
In other words, your auctions should end when everyone is home and has a chance to place a bid.
100% money back guarantee: You need to make your potential costumers feel comfortable, completely safe and take away any fears or doubts they may have about buying from you.
A very effective way to accomplish that is to give a 100% money back guarantee.
This is no "secret".
Nearly every retail store, internet store, manufacturer and power seller does this.
And yet a lot of eBay sellers try to avoid it.
Some sellers are scared of buyers taking advantage of their money back guarantees, so they either create a huge list of rules and regulations that simply scare people away or have a "no refunds" policy.
A guarantee's purpose is to take away any fear or doubt people may have about buying from you, some seller's guarantees do the exact opposite; there are just too many scary rules and stipulations.
That's why you need a %100 money back guarantee with no strings attached! The only "string" you need in your 100% money back guarantee is a time limit.
The best time limit to give is a 90 days.
Don't worry, most items are returned within the first couple of weeks, so if they haven't returned it in the first 30 day their most likely keeping it.
So why give 90 days instead of 30? Because it sounds better, Would you rather have 30 day guarantee or a 90 day one? 90 days it is.
A 90 day 100% money back guarantee can do wonders for your business, it will take away doubts, fears and uncomfortable feelings of skeptical visitors and make them choose you over other sellers that have less promising guarantees.
If you are scared to offer a guarantee, don't be.
You will gain more money that you loose.
Sure there might be some people who take advantage of your kindness, use the product for 90 days and return it.
But that is inevitable, the only way to completely avoid those nasty people is to never do anything.
Stop being so scared, you will gain much more than you loose.
Professionally designed listing graphics: Professionally designed listing graphics have been proven to increase the number of bids an auctions receives by up to 25%.
And that is why getting hiring a graphics designer to design your auction graphics is worth every penny.
How can graphics increase the number of bids your auctions get by up to 25%? Well, let's see: First of all a unique design will give you an identity and make you stand out from a crowed.
Graphics can give your auction listings a professional appearance, and most people want to deal with professionals not amateurs.
A unique design will keep people thinking of you.
Every time a costumer comes across one of your listings they will recognize you.
Big companies pay hundreds of millions of dollars to gain recognition, why? Because most people tent to trust companies they recognize over companies they have never heard of before.
Those are some of the main reason why professionally designed listing graphics can dramatically increase the number of bids your auctions receive.
There are many more reasons why you should get your own auction listing design, but the most important thing you should know is 25% more bids translates into a lot of extra money.