Pets & Animal Dog Breeds

Make Sure Your Dog Is Eating Properly - Choose the Right Food!

I had a French bulldog that died almost a year ago.
Her name was Tinker and her head was as round as a bowling ball and looked entirely too large for her body.
Everything about her was so ugly it was cute.
She had rolls where there shouldn't be any, she snorted, snored, smelled, and was so ornery that I wanted to choke her at times, but I couldn't.
She was my baby.
Tinker was perhaps the best dog I ever owned, and one of the ones that died in such a tragic, yet preventable way.
You see, like humans, dogs can have a testy digestive tract so you have to be careful about what they eat.
I never even thought about it at all before.
I would buy my normal dog food and feed her without a second of hesitation, and that's what killed her.
Please just read this, if you have even an ounce of love for your dog just listen to how mine died and maybe you can protect yours from such a terrible death.
As you know, some foods are incredibly difficult for us to digest.
Things such as: chicken nuggets, spicy food, gum, chocolate, mashed potatoes, broccoli and raw cabbage can cause build up in our digestive tract and many other issues, making it extremely painful for us.
I know there isn't a person out there who hasn't had some issues digesting a certain type of food.
Now, imagine this; what if you were fed that food every day? Can you think of how painful it would be? Now imagine that you couldn't talk and tell someone that the food they were feeding you was causing you pain? Welcome to the world of dogs.
You might be thinking to yourself; No way, my dog loves their food.
I buy the expensive brand and they eat it every day with no problems.
WRONG! Sorry to burst your bubble, but unless you are one of the few people who actually goes out of their way to buy a select type of dog food that's not found in regular stores, you are unintentionally causing harm and pain to your dog.
Dog food companies might say that it contains real beef, has no artificial ingredients, and all of these other 'facts' but they are LIES.
Did you know that the food you are giving your beloved animals probably has things such as ground up chicken feathers, ground up citrus pulp with the twigs and leaves that were attached, propylene glycol (a toxic additive that is used in antifreeze solutions), cellulose (most common source for cellulose is dried wood, true fact), grape pomace (odd though that grapes are shown to contain a substance that is toxic to dogs) and so many other ingredients that should NEVER ever be fed to an animal.
My precious dog Tinker died of a prolapsed rectum.
Food had built up in her intestines and she went to go to the restroom one day and started screaming.
Literally screaming, the kind of sound you never ever want to hear and that you can never forget.
I immediately took her into the vet.
When we got there, she had to go through emergency surgery, but the surgery failed and she had to be put down.
Please, please just go to this site and read what it has to say.
It could possibly save your dog's life.
I lost mine because I was ignorant, I beg you not to make the same mistake.
FREE Dog-Life-Saving Report
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