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Use Fly Ash Bricks To Make Durable Houses And Buildings

Necessity is the mother of invention. This is particularly true for fly ash bricks, the technology for which was discovered only due to a shortage or scarcity of conventional bricks. Due to a widening gap between the demand and supply of conventional bricks, fly ash bricks were thought of as an alternative and fly ash brick making machines slowly started gaining popularity.

Fly ash is primarily generated as a byproduct of burning of coal in thermal power plants. When powered coal is burned, the mineral residue, which is like a very fine glassy powder, comes out along with the exhaust gasses, cools and gets collected in electrostatic precipitators. This condensed powder made up mainly of aluminum, silica and iron is known as fly ash.

What makes fly ash good for making bricks?

Fly ash is extremely useful for making bricks due to the following properties displayed by it

" The spherical shape of fly ash particles help them to blend, flow and mix freely with other substances

" The structural strength of fly ash bricks increases as time goes by due to its tendency of combining with free lime.

" Bricks made from fly ash tend to have decreased permeability at the same time they also become more durable.

" Shrinkage happening in bricks due to the water present in them becomes considerably reduced in bricks made of fly ash

" Bricks made from fly ash are very strong and extremely resistant to wear and tear thereby resulting in a sharp and clear finish to the buildings and houses being constructed.

What is a fly ash brick maker?

Fly ash bricks are generally made in specially designed Fly Ash Brick Making Machine which can be automatic or semi automatic in nature. Some of the key features generally present in both types of fly ash brick makers are.

" They generally have a capacity of making 1500 to 1600 bricks per hour and can hence easily produce around 13000 bricks in an 8 hour shift per day

" They have a motor power capacity of 10horsepower and can withstand load up to 39tons

" The bricks made are generally 190*90*90millimeter in size and can also be embossed with the logo of the company if required. The maximum size of the bricks that can be made are of 230*110*75 millimeter

" These machines have an automated hydraulic system with a stationed table 3 rotary and is also PLC controlled

" The rotation of the table is done using an automatic hydraulic motor

" Even though mix feed can be given either manually or with the help of a conveyor, finished brick removal is always manual

" The raw materials used in the mix feed generally include fly ash combined with iron oxide, quarry waste, lime sludge etc.

How does a Fly Ash brick Maker work?

In simple terms this brick maker simply mixes all the raw materials like fly ash, quarry waste etc along with the required quantity of water to form a concrete mixture which is then set in moulds as per the size required by the customer. These moulded bricks are then transferred onto wooden pellets and allowed to set for 3 days minimum after which it is taken outside and cured using water. This process results in ultra strong, durable and neatly finished fly ash bricks which can then be transported to the customer. offers clients with Fly Ash Brick Making Machine that are used for making bricks of different sizes from fly ash.
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