What's the best treatment for insomnia? Ask most doctors that question and they will give you a standard, ready made answer: "sleeping pills.
"According to Gregg Jacobs, PhD, an insomnia research specialist, sleeping pills are one of the most over prescribed medicines every year.
The major reason behind this is that many doctors simply never learned about and don't know about the alternatives.
It's much easier (and in some cases more profitable) for them to simply write you a prescription.
And yet, alternative insomnia treatments have a better track record in helping insomniacs over the long term.
Here is a partial list of 11 non-drug insomnia treatments that get results and that you really should know about.
Herbal treatments with various mood altering herbs 2.
Hypnosis and behavior modification treatments 3.
Magnetic mattress or mattress cover therapy 4.
Breathing therapy 5.
Music therapy using classical or new age music 6.
Yoga and meditation 7.
Chi gong and relaxation techniques 8.
Aromatherapy - using high quality essential oils 9.
Homeopathy 10.
Massage 11.
Acupuncture and pressure points The great thing is that most of these therapies work to get rid of the causes of insomnia - not just to cover over the symptoms of it.
That's what makes them more powerful as insomnia treatments and in some cases insomnia cures.
That's good news for you, because traditionally prescribed sleeping pills become ineffective after just about 4-6 weeks of use and have some nasty side effects.
Now you know more than 99% of doctors about insomnia treatments - and can make an better decision on how to proceed.
"According to Gregg Jacobs, PhD, an insomnia research specialist, sleeping pills are one of the most over prescribed medicines every year.
The major reason behind this is that many doctors simply never learned about and don't know about the alternatives.
It's much easier (and in some cases more profitable) for them to simply write you a prescription.
And yet, alternative insomnia treatments have a better track record in helping insomniacs over the long term.
Here is a partial list of 11 non-drug insomnia treatments that get results and that you really should know about.
Herbal treatments with various mood altering herbs 2.
Hypnosis and behavior modification treatments 3.
Magnetic mattress or mattress cover therapy 4.
Breathing therapy 5.
Music therapy using classical or new age music 6.
Yoga and meditation 7.
Chi gong and relaxation techniques 8.
Aromatherapy - using high quality essential oils 9.
Homeopathy 10.
Massage 11.
Acupuncture and pressure points The great thing is that most of these therapies work to get rid of the causes of insomnia - not just to cover over the symptoms of it.
That's what makes them more powerful as insomnia treatments and in some cases insomnia cures.
That's good news for you, because traditionally prescribed sleeping pills become ineffective after just about 4-6 weeks of use and have some nasty side effects.
Now you know more than 99% of doctors about insomnia treatments - and can make an better decision on how to proceed.