Everyone experiences anxiety, the triggers for your panic could be different than someone else's but the symptoms are the same.
Physically your heart beats faster, your hands shake, you experience increased sweating and your breathing becomes irregular.
Emotionally you feel tense, your head seems cloudy and you are unable to concentrate.
When the triggers of the panic diminish your physical and emotional symptoms go away and you are able to continue with your daily life.
The problems occur when you experience a state of panic on a frequent basis; when the symptoms do not recede and your heightened state of panic becomes routine then you need to find anxiety attack help.
When you understand the severe changes going on within the body during a panic attack the emotional and physical symptoms become justifiable.
As the first waves of a panic attack happen the body responds by saturating the circulatory system with a large amount of hormones such as insulin and adrenaline.
In addition oxygen and sugar are circulated to the muscles which decreases the oxygen to the brain and increases sugar levels creating a natural "high".
These chemical changes are needed to prepare the body for the task ahead: flight or fight.
Experiencing these chemical fluctuations on a frequent basis, the consequences will be devastating to the body, mind and soul making the need to find an anxiety attack treatment urgent.
Below are a few of the most severe medical conditions that can develop through frequent exposure to anxiety attacks: * Respiratory Issues: Constant rapid breathing will damage your lungs which will limit oxygen from getting to your vital muscles and brain.
Problems such as: wheezing or emphysema.
* Stroke: A stroke occurs when the oxygen supply is cut off from the brain.
The permanent consequences of the stroke depends on how long the brain is without oxygen but the results can be devastating: dysphagia (problems swallowing or loss of functions.
* Changes in Looks: Sufferer's of anxiety tend to age more rapidly as a result of the strain to their body resulting in early hair loss and severe wrinkles.
* Depression: When a person who constantly suffers from panic attacks they are more likely to avoid social situations causing depression.
* Emotions of Derealization: This is when a sufferer goes through situations where it appear as if they are not living their lives but are instead merely spectators.
These feelings will grow stronger and eventually the sufferer will withdraw from any form of social situations.
There are many available options for anxiety attack treatment; the key is to find the right one for you.
First you will need to learn your panic triggers; by observing the panic and becoming aware of the triggers you will learn how to control them.
This will not be easy and you may need to seek help through the medical community or self-help treatment programs.
If you decide to embark on a self-help program, two of the best programs are: PanicMiracle - PanicMiracle is an anxiety attack help technique supported by the medical community for treating anxiety attacks.
Backed by 14 years of research from various medical professionals this product can be customized to address your specific panic issues.
Also this unique system provides the you with access to a private email support system and counselor to help you through the program.
PanicAway - Panic Away was first developed over 10 years ago by Barry Joe McDonagh a former panic disorder sufferer.
This product is a widely accepted program that focuses on ending anxiety attacks before they begin.
Before deciding on a self-help system take some time to review the best anxiety method review table.
This table will comprehensive break down of all the best programs and will provide the information you need to pick the best anxiety attack treatment for you.
Physically your heart beats faster, your hands shake, you experience increased sweating and your breathing becomes irregular.
Emotionally you feel tense, your head seems cloudy and you are unable to concentrate.
When the triggers of the panic diminish your physical and emotional symptoms go away and you are able to continue with your daily life.
The problems occur when you experience a state of panic on a frequent basis; when the symptoms do not recede and your heightened state of panic becomes routine then you need to find anxiety attack help.
When you understand the severe changes going on within the body during a panic attack the emotional and physical symptoms become justifiable.
As the first waves of a panic attack happen the body responds by saturating the circulatory system with a large amount of hormones such as insulin and adrenaline.
In addition oxygen and sugar are circulated to the muscles which decreases the oxygen to the brain and increases sugar levels creating a natural "high".
These chemical changes are needed to prepare the body for the task ahead: flight or fight.
Experiencing these chemical fluctuations on a frequent basis, the consequences will be devastating to the body, mind and soul making the need to find an anxiety attack treatment urgent.
Below are a few of the most severe medical conditions that can develop through frequent exposure to anxiety attacks: * Respiratory Issues: Constant rapid breathing will damage your lungs which will limit oxygen from getting to your vital muscles and brain.
Problems such as: wheezing or emphysema.
* Stroke: A stroke occurs when the oxygen supply is cut off from the brain.
The permanent consequences of the stroke depends on how long the brain is without oxygen but the results can be devastating: dysphagia (problems swallowing or loss of functions.
* Changes in Looks: Sufferer's of anxiety tend to age more rapidly as a result of the strain to their body resulting in early hair loss and severe wrinkles.
* Depression: When a person who constantly suffers from panic attacks they are more likely to avoid social situations causing depression.
* Emotions of Derealization: This is when a sufferer goes through situations where it appear as if they are not living their lives but are instead merely spectators.
These feelings will grow stronger and eventually the sufferer will withdraw from any form of social situations.
There are many available options for anxiety attack treatment; the key is to find the right one for you.
First you will need to learn your panic triggers; by observing the panic and becoming aware of the triggers you will learn how to control them.
This will not be easy and you may need to seek help through the medical community or self-help treatment programs.
If you decide to embark on a self-help program, two of the best programs are: PanicMiracle - PanicMiracle is an anxiety attack help technique supported by the medical community for treating anxiety attacks.
Backed by 14 years of research from various medical professionals this product can be customized to address your specific panic issues.
Also this unique system provides the you with access to a private email support system and counselor to help you through the program.
PanicAway - Panic Away was first developed over 10 years ago by Barry Joe McDonagh a former panic disorder sufferer.
This product is a widely accepted program that focuses on ending anxiety attacks before they begin.
Before deciding on a self-help system take some time to review the best anxiety method review table.
This table will comprehensive break down of all the best programs and will provide the information you need to pick the best anxiety attack treatment for you.