Business & Finance Wealth Building

How to Make Money - You"ve Got to Have an Attitude

If we can agree that we want to know how to make money, then the next question is - why is it so difficult? Why are we always looking, but so few seem to find it? Let's look at a few pointers.
The first one is attitude - the way we position ourselves and think of ourselves.
How many losers make it big? A loser is a person who, by definition, thinks lower thoughts and not bigger thoughts.
Don't forget, we can all rise and fall, and fall again.
The winner will shake himself, or herself, off and try again.
A loser will stop and quit.
Donald Trump is not my hero by any stretch of the imagination, but he is successful because he tried, and failed, and tried again.
Read his story.
Another author who does a stupendous job of describing this thought, posture, and positioning process is Robert Kiyosaki in his Rich Dad, Poor Dad series.
So, the start point is a thought.
Think of it this way.
What comes first - the house, the design, or the idea? Of course, the idea comes first, then the design, and lastly the house.
Making money is no different.
First, you must have the idea, then a vehicle, or means to create that money, and lastly - do it - put the vehicle in motion.
Now, it should be easy to see that our start point in how to make money is the goal.
What do you want? Why do you want it? How much do you want? When do you want it? This is the first and VITAL step which you must go through if you want to build the house.
Can you imagine a house without a design, without a designer? Nonsense - right? Like it or not, humans are not machines.
We are not mechanical robots.
What do I mean? We have emotions.
Strange thought in this post modern world, but we all remain creatures whose emotions are more powerful than our logic.
Ignore this truth and you will pay a price sooner or later.
Is TV advertising logical? No.
Are TV programs and movies logical? Not necessarily.
Why is it that we are "carried away" in a Star Wars movie - an Independence Day? Are these movies logical? What I am trying to say here is that our emotions drive us, and influence us, much more than we would like to admit.
Therefore, it is fundamental that you build a dream around your monetary goals.
What will you do when you get money? Where will you go? What will you enjoy? Do this - and feel the emotions.
Let the emotions then drive you forward and remember daily your dream.
Why? Because, like Donald Trump, you will suffer setbacks on your path to success.
If you have a dream, you will continue fighting.
If you don't have a dream, you will lie down and quit.
Do you see why it is so important to build your dream? I hope so.
Assuming you have your dream in place, you will need the vehicle - the how.
The best how to make money system, I know of, is packaged beautifully by a friend of mine.
Word of warning - this is not a fast money, get-rich-quick scam - this is a business that can take you wherever you want to go if you work it.
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