Pets & Animal Dog Breeds

How to Stop Your Dog From Becoming a Chewing Monster

One of the worst things about having a dog is when they come to the age when they start teething.
When this happens, they will chew everything they can see! This article will help you in understanding the problem and finding a solution so you can enjoy life together with your pet.
Dogs and puppies will eat and chew just anything that they can get their mouth at.
I have had chairs ruined and books that were destroyed by my dog.
Well, this was before, when I still hadn't learned about techniques on how to prevent this from happening.
I adopted a pet around two years ago; it was a Labrador retriever, which was very sweet and loving.
I did all the research about raising a puppy from the internet and books, but it really did not help me.
It was really hard raising the dog since it was still my first time adopting one.
Because of this, I joined an online lesson teaching about the proper way of handling dogs.
I have two dogs now and I must say that both of them are very obedient and well behaved dogs, which makes me, as well as the rest of my family very proud and happy.
In the course, I learned that dogs chew things because of different reason.
It can be because that the dog is in its teething stage where everything it sees is a chew toy and it needs something to chew at.
When this happens, the best thing to do is to teach your puppy which things that the puppy can chew and which things are not.
If this is done constantly and with reinforcement, it will work 100 percent.
Remember, you should be the leader of the pack.
You control your dog and not the other way around.
If you still can't understand all the things I have shared with you, then just remember this: You should set limitations for your dog.
They are like children; they will become abusive if you are not going to set limitations to them.
If you will allow your dog to chew on your socks, then you will end up spending lots of cash for socks that will soon be chewed off by your dog.
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