Are you frustrated with excess oil and clogged pores? Is the constant cleansing wearing you out? Perhaps you have tried several oily skincare products and found them ineffective in eliminating dirt and grease.
Oily skin care is a multi-dimensional process.
True, cleansing is crucial, but there are other important steps to follow as well.
Here's how you can finally end your oily conundrums once and for all.
But how does oily skin develop in the first place? Oil or sebum is secreted by the sebaceous glands - glands found in the dermis, thesecond layer of the skin, just beneath the epidermis - in order to lock in the natural moisture on the skin's surface.
The central part of your face, the nose included, contains highly active glands thus tends to produce more oil.
Pores are also naturally larger in this area.
Oily skin is thus prone to pimples, bumps and blackheads.
However, there are many circumstances that stimulate the glands to produce more oil than they normally would, and sometimes it is a matter of improper oily skin care or skin care products.
When you scrub vigorously or use harsh oil removers that dry the skin, the oil glands are triggered to produce sebum as a coping mechanism.
The same thing applies when you use heavy moisturizing creams or solutions formulated for dry skin when your skin is already oily.
Other common culprits include a fatty diet, stress and hormonal changes.
What Can Be Done
Doing so will not only prevent unsightly zits and clogged pores, but will also preserve your skin's healthy, youthful glow.
Oily skin care is a multi-dimensional process.
True, cleansing is crucial, but there are other important steps to follow as well.
Here's how you can finally end your oily conundrums once and for all.
But how does oily skin develop in the first place? Oil or sebum is secreted by the sebaceous glands - glands found in the dermis, thesecond layer of the skin, just beneath the epidermis - in order to lock in the natural moisture on the skin's surface.
The central part of your face, the nose included, contains highly active glands thus tends to produce more oil.
Pores are also naturally larger in this area.
Oily skin is thus prone to pimples, bumps and blackheads.
However, there are many circumstances that stimulate the glands to produce more oil than they normally would, and sometimes it is a matter of improper oily skin care or skin care products.
When you scrub vigorously or use harsh oil removers that dry the skin, the oil glands are triggered to produce sebum as a coping mechanism.
The same thing applies when you use heavy moisturizing creams or solutions formulated for dry skin when your skin is already oily.
Other common culprits include a fatty diet, stress and hormonal changes.
What Can Be Done
- Start out with a natural oil cleansertwice daily - one in the morning and one before retiring to bed - using lukewarm water.
Cleansing clears the pores of any dirt or residue and help eliminates dead skin cells.
Never use hot water and cleansers with sulfate as these only encouragemore oil production.
- Use a gentle exfoliator at least twice a week toscrape offdead skin cells and remove excess residue buildup.
No matter how effective your oily skincare products are, they cannot effectively penetrate your skin and provide optimum benefit if there's a layer of dead skin cells blocking your pores.
- Instead of moisturizing creams, use thinner solutions like hydrating gels or liquids.
These allow for better absorption.
Because your skin already has that extra film of oil, there's no need for you to use thick moisturizing emollients and creams.
Remember, you already have an existing natural barrier protecting your skin, and applying thick solutions will only worsen the problem.
- Consume foods that are high in Omega 3s and essential fatty acids, and avoid saturated fats.
A good Omega 3 premium product can be a wonderful supplement especially if you're not fond of eating fish like salmon, which is packed with lots of Omega 3 acids.
- Be mindful of the oily skincare products you put on your face, particularly during climate changes.
Environmental factors like extreme heat or dry, humid weather can affect the rate at which your skin produces oil.
You might want to try an all-natural skin care regimen that provides optimum cleansing and hydration for all skin types.
Look for anti-aging skincare products that consist of a complete set of deep active cleansing and hydrating masks that effectively removes film and filth and keeps skin rejuvenated while also reducing fine lines and wrinkles.
Doing so will not only prevent unsightly zits and clogged pores, but will also preserve your skin's healthy, youthful glow.