The bad thing about finding an acne cure that works for you is that it is usually through trial and error. You can end up spending a lot of money and time before actually finding an acne cure that works. This can seem like it goes on forever sometimes. The biggest problem with finding an acne cure is that everything reacts differently with different people. Its very easy to get excited at the hope of a great new cure but its also just as easy to be let down.
The most common problem with trying a new acne cure is not giving it enough time. Trust me, as a 30 year sufferer of the disease I know how hard it can be to wait and see if a product is going to work. Many of the new products clearly state that it can take up to 90 days to see any changes. Well 90 days can be like a lifetime for acne sufferes. Another problem is not following directions. Doubling up on something isnt going to help but rather just make things worse.
Finding the right acne cure can also be a mixture of more than one thing. Maybe the medicine you are using is great but it needs to be mixed with something like a lifestyle change. Its up to you to figure out the things in your life that need to be changed. It may even be the fact that you are spending too much time looking for an acne cure and not enough time eliminating the bad stuff from your life.
If you think you can just take some pills or medicine and your acne will dissapear than I am sorry to dissapoint you but that just wont happen. While the medication is a huge contributing factor in your acne cure there are still some things you need to do. Make sure you keep your face clean, stay away from makeup, drink lots of water and make sure you adjust your diet. One other very important thing in working on your acne cure is lots of good excersize.
Your hair and hands contain oils that really are gross contributing factors to your acne. So if you are serious about your acne cure then for a while you want to keep your hands and hair away from your face. Another thing is as gross as it sounds do not pop your pimples. Doing this is only helping the acne spread and is also the number one reason for developing scars.
So some simple lifestyle changes, over the counter meds should get you well on your way to your acne cure. There is cases, and quite a few that you will have to see a doctor to get some stronger medications. Acne in its worst can be very painful so please dont be scared to see your doctor at this stage.
Visiting me at Acne Relief [] is an absolute must to find everything from great products, articles and up to date news stories.
The most common problem with trying a new acne cure is not giving it enough time. Trust me, as a 30 year sufferer of the disease I know how hard it can be to wait and see if a product is going to work. Many of the new products clearly state that it can take up to 90 days to see any changes. Well 90 days can be like a lifetime for acne sufferes. Another problem is not following directions. Doubling up on something isnt going to help but rather just make things worse.
Finding the right acne cure can also be a mixture of more than one thing. Maybe the medicine you are using is great but it needs to be mixed with something like a lifestyle change. Its up to you to figure out the things in your life that need to be changed. It may even be the fact that you are spending too much time looking for an acne cure and not enough time eliminating the bad stuff from your life.
If you think you can just take some pills or medicine and your acne will dissapear than I am sorry to dissapoint you but that just wont happen. While the medication is a huge contributing factor in your acne cure there are still some things you need to do. Make sure you keep your face clean, stay away from makeup, drink lots of water and make sure you adjust your diet. One other very important thing in working on your acne cure is lots of good excersize.
Your hair and hands contain oils that really are gross contributing factors to your acne. So if you are serious about your acne cure then for a while you want to keep your hands and hair away from your face. Another thing is as gross as it sounds do not pop your pimples. Doing this is only helping the acne spread and is also the number one reason for developing scars.
So some simple lifestyle changes, over the counter meds should get you well on your way to your acne cure. There is cases, and quite a few that you will have to see a doctor to get some stronger medications. Acne in its worst can be very painful so please dont be scared to see your doctor at this stage.
Visiting me at Acne Relief [] is an absolute must to find everything from great products, articles and up to date news stories.