Teaching young people about money is a privilege as well as a responsibility for all parents and adults, especially in recession.
We cannot expect from Schools to teach children our own values and beliefs regarding the management of money.
Almost every parents are in the perfect position to educate their children in responsible spending.
If you can accelerate your child's understanding around money, we can create the next money smart generation.
We do not have to hammer in our ideas.
We can make it so much fun for the kids, and guess what? That is when the learning unconsciously starts.
Unfortunately parents, who do not teach their children about money at an early age, can end up paying for that mistake for the rest of their lives.
Saving and making money in recession may be possible, even for your kids.
Ok so let's get cracking The best way to teach a child anything is by making it a game.
So Play Games! I believe that learning is play and it is the foundation for a child's learning and social development skills.
Here are a few games that you can play with your child, as well as "How To" teach them about saving and making money at the same time, even in Recession! How to Create A Money Smart Kid Take them with you when you go shopping, give your child a notebook and a pen to keep if you can.
Shopping is a great platform to develop your child's understanding about money.
Tell them what you need to buy and the reason for buying a specific product.
Let them help you compare the different products and their prices.
Start a competition, like who can save the most on need-to-buy items.
Teach them about saving by buying the slightly bigger quantities of products used daily, like sugar, soap, or washing powder.
With specialist items, you can teach them the difference between product qualities versus the quantity; let them work out what will be the best deal when buying these items.
Make a habit of it and you would be amazed with the results.
Motivate them to use their notebook and always, but always do it in a playful manner.
Please don't shout or fight if you disagree, that would defeat the purpose.
For Children ages 6 -18.
Let them organize a garage sale for instance.
Many people have lots of stuff that they don't use or need.
They just might want to get rid of some.
It is also a great opportunity for you to become clutter free.
Believe me it's a liberating feeling.
The whole venture can be organized indoors or in front of your house, what ever suits you.
Smaller kids might need assistance from a parent or an adult, and keep in mind with the smaller ones, patience is a virtue.
This is great fun.
Make it fun! Give the kids a chance to be creative and remember profit always rule.
Challenge them with something special in their garage sale venture, and always give positive and up building advice.
Bigger kids will be happy taking responsibility and do everything on their own.
And if you feel like it, you can give unwanted household items away and help your child "start" his, hers or their own business.
Remember Children don't always understand big words like Recession, and they do not necessarily have to.
But they do need to know that in times of Recession money is scarce.
Don't scare your kids.
The smaller ones don't need to understand the meaning of Recession, and even if you try to make them understand, they won't.
You can and should wise the older ones up, without putting a weight on their shoulders.
We all want what is best for our children, and it is never too late to help create a new money smart generation.
I am a Mother of two, and am daily stunned by my children's learning and understanding capabilities.
So many parents put stuff past their kids and think their children don't understand, well you just might be surprised! Saving and making money in this recession, can be a great playing field for you and your children.
Use it and utilize it.
Make your play fun, and the next money smart generation has just begun.
We cannot expect from Schools to teach children our own values and beliefs regarding the management of money.
Almost every parents are in the perfect position to educate their children in responsible spending.
If you can accelerate your child's understanding around money, we can create the next money smart generation.
We do not have to hammer in our ideas.
We can make it so much fun for the kids, and guess what? That is when the learning unconsciously starts.
Unfortunately parents, who do not teach their children about money at an early age, can end up paying for that mistake for the rest of their lives.
Saving and making money in recession may be possible, even for your kids.
Ok so let's get cracking The best way to teach a child anything is by making it a game.
So Play Games! I believe that learning is play and it is the foundation for a child's learning and social development skills.
Here are a few games that you can play with your child, as well as "How To" teach them about saving and making money at the same time, even in Recession! How to Create A Money Smart Kid Take them with you when you go shopping, give your child a notebook and a pen to keep if you can.
Shopping is a great platform to develop your child's understanding about money.
Tell them what you need to buy and the reason for buying a specific product.
Let them help you compare the different products and their prices.
Start a competition, like who can save the most on need-to-buy items.
Teach them about saving by buying the slightly bigger quantities of products used daily, like sugar, soap, or washing powder.
With specialist items, you can teach them the difference between product qualities versus the quantity; let them work out what will be the best deal when buying these items.
Make a habit of it and you would be amazed with the results.
Motivate them to use their notebook and always, but always do it in a playful manner.
Please don't shout or fight if you disagree, that would defeat the purpose.
For Children ages 6 -18.
Let them organize a garage sale for instance.
Many people have lots of stuff that they don't use or need.
They just might want to get rid of some.
It is also a great opportunity for you to become clutter free.
Believe me it's a liberating feeling.
The whole venture can be organized indoors or in front of your house, what ever suits you.
Smaller kids might need assistance from a parent or an adult, and keep in mind with the smaller ones, patience is a virtue.
This is great fun.
Make it fun! Give the kids a chance to be creative and remember profit always rule.
Challenge them with something special in their garage sale venture, and always give positive and up building advice.
Bigger kids will be happy taking responsibility and do everything on their own.
And if you feel like it, you can give unwanted household items away and help your child "start" his, hers or their own business.
Remember Children don't always understand big words like Recession, and they do not necessarily have to.
But they do need to know that in times of Recession money is scarce.
Don't scare your kids.
The smaller ones don't need to understand the meaning of Recession, and even if you try to make them understand, they won't.
You can and should wise the older ones up, without putting a weight on their shoulders.
We all want what is best for our children, and it is never too late to help create a new money smart generation.
I am a Mother of two, and am daily stunned by my children's learning and understanding capabilities.
So many parents put stuff past their kids and think their children don't understand, well you just might be surprised! Saving and making money in this recession, can be a great playing field for you and your children.
Use it and utilize it.
Make your play fun, and the next money smart generation has just begun.