It is back to school time and time for all of the fun back to school shopping.
You have a list of school supplies that you need, you have your list of clothes that you want, but what about your locker accessories? I am sure you and all of your friends are Twilight fans who probably watched the movie, listened to the soundtrack and may actually have a Twilight poster or two in your bedroom.
What better way to decorate your locker than to have a Twilight themed locker? Here is a list of must have accessories for the ultimate Twilight locker look.
Twilight Eclipse Magnets Magnets, as you know, are very handy accessories for your school locker.
You can use them to hang your class schedule up, use them to hang photos up or you may just want to stick them up as merely decorations.
Either way you choose, they will add flair to your locker.
You can find magnets featuring Edward, Bella and Jacob.
There are round magnets, square magnets even rectangular magnets available and they all can easily fit nicely in your school locker.
Twilight Eclipse Magnetic Dry Erase Board This is one of those locker accessories that are essentials for those last minute reminders you have to quickly jot down.
Between the Lost in Forks for a boys locker or Team Edward Heart dry erase board for a girls locker, one of the two will be the perfect choice.
Twilight Magnetic Bookmark Definitely one of those 'think outside of the box' school locker accessories.
A magnetic bookmark will keep your place in your textbooks so you can come back to it later and when you are not using it, you can use it along with your other Twilight magnets on your locker wall.
Twilight Calendar Most calendars are sized too large to fit into a standard school locker, however, there are calendars available that are much smaller in size that will fit perfectly.
Hang it on the inside of your locker door or directly in the back of your locker.
Besides having great Twilight photos, you will have access to a calendar where you can make notations of your friend's birthdays at school.
How cool is that? Whichever Twilight star you love between Jacob, Bella Edward or all three, you are certainly bound to find tons and tons of school locker accessories that will surely compliment your locker.
You have a list of school supplies that you need, you have your list of clothes that you want, but what about your locker accessories? I am sure you and all of your friends are Twilight fans who probably watched the movie, listened to the soundtrack and may actually have a Twilight poster or two in your bedroom.
What better way to decorate your locker than to have a Twilight themed locker? Here is a list of must have accessories for the ultimate Twilight locker look.
Twilight Eclipse Magnets Magnets, as you know, are very handy accessories for your school locker.
You can use them to hang your class schedule up, use them to hang photos up or you may just want to stick them up as merely decorations.
Either way you choose, they will add flair to your locker.
You can find magnets featuring Edward, Bella and Jacob.
There are round magnets, square magnets even rectangular magnets available and they all can easily fit nicely in your school locker.
Twilight Eclipse Magnetic Dry Erase Board This is one of those locker accessories that are essentials for those last minute reminders you have to quickly jot down.
Between the Lost in Forks for a boys locker or Team Edward Heart dry erase board for a girls locker, one of the two will be the perfect choice.
Twilight Magnetic Bookmark Definitely one of those 'think outside of the box' school locker accessories.
A magnetic bookmark will keep your place in your textbooks so you can come back to it later and when you are not using it, you can use it along with your other Twilight magnets on your locker wall.
Twilight Calendar Most calendars are sized too large to fit into a standard school locker, however, there are calendars available that are much smaller in size that will fit perfectly.
Hang it on the inside of your locker door or directly in the back of your locker.
Besides having great Twilight photos, you will have access to a calendar where you can make notations of your friend's birthdays at school.
How cool is that? Whichever Twilight star you love between Jacob, Bella Edward or all three, you are certainly bound to find tons and tons of school locker accessories that will surely compliment your locker.