Visualize life not restricted by muscle knots and of a hurt neck.
All those that have experienced such pain know how problematic it is and how tough it is to concentrate on anything else.
In many examples the pain radiates upward resulting in headaches.
Selective stretches work well, however, if muscle knots are not eliminated in the affected region it is only a temporary fix.
Muscle knots are most commonly produced by poor posture, injury or over-exertion.
Let's first take a look at our posture.
Visualize how heavy our heads are.
When I was younger medical world believed it to be one sixth of our body weight.
This heavy sphere does a balancing act on a stem which is small in circumference in comparison.
Think of the extra work for the neck.
My neck problems stem from receiving a forearm shiver to the chin while playing football.
My head was abruptly thrown back and to the right and I have not been the same since.
The soreness in your soft tissues is possibly why you have aching in the muscles.
This commonly leads to discomfort and a limited range of motion.
With the right action you can reduce tight muscles and salvage circulation of the overlying fascia.
Fascia is the soft tissue that gives us support and is a shield for much of the human body.
Muscle knots are segments of tight fibers.
Restriction of blood flow causes the shortening and tightening of the hurt muscles.
The throbbing is the result of latent trigger points or active trigger points.
Latent trigger points are sensitive when touched while active trigger points generate constant pain.
Treatment Strategies Muscles have memory.
If they are lengthened then shortening is required.
If your muscles are shortened they need to be stretched.
Picture in your mind what your body position is in while standing and sitting.
This allows you to make the adjustments that are necessary in making changes to bad habits.
Suggested therapy for hurt muscles includes deep massage and ultrasound.
Hot and cold pack applications are other methods of relief.
I have paid for all of these methods only to realize that I spent a lot of money for temporary outcomes.
The most practical method involves deep myofascial releases of muscle knots.
Scientific research has shown that muscle knots are largely made up of certain amino acids that we eat.
We can show how to adjust your diet, for free, to eliminate muscle knots and give relief to the hurt neck.
All those that have experienced such pain know how problematic it is and how tough it is to concentrate on anything else.
In many examples the pain radiates upward resulting in headaches.
Selective stretches work well, however, if muscle knots are not eliminated in the affected region it is only a temporary fix.
Muscle knots are most commonly produced by poor posture, injury or over-exertion.
Let's first take a look at our posture.
Visualize how heavy our heads are.
When I was younger medical world believed it to be one sixth of our body weight.
This heavy sphere does a balancing act on a stem which is small in circumference in comparison.
Think of the extra work for the neck.
My neck problems stem from receiving a forearm shiver to the chin while playing football.
My head was abruptly thrown back and to the right and I have not been the same since.
The soreness in your soft tissues is possibly why you have aching in the muscles.
This commonly leads to discomfort and a limited range of motion.
With the right action you can reduce tight muscles and salvage circulation of the overlying fascia.
Fascia is the soft tissue that gives us support and is a shield for much of the human body.
Muscle knots are segments of tight fibers.
Restriction of blood flow causes the shortening and tightening of the hurt muscles.
The throbbing is the result of latent trigger points or active trigger points.
Latent trigger points are sensitive when touched while active trigger points generate constant pain.
Treatment Strategies Muscles have memory.
If they are lengthened then shortening is required.
If your muscles are shortened they need to be stretched.
Picture in your mind what your body position is in while standing and sitting.
This allows you to make the adjustments that are necessary in making changes to bad habits.
Suggested therapy for hurt muscles includes deep massage and ultrasound.
Hot and cold pack applications are other methods of relief.
I have paid for all of these methods only to realize that I spent a lot of money for temporary outcomes.
The most practical method involves deep myofascial releases of muscle knots.
Scientific research has shown that muscle knots are largely made up of certain amino acids that we eat.
We can show how to adjust your diet, for free, to eliminate muscle knots and give relief to the hurt neck.