Business & Finance Business Insurance

Motor Trade - Used Car Complaints Increasing

One of the main topics always appearing in the news in relation to the motor trade is the level of complaints in relation to the purchasing of used cars.

A myriad of recent news has covered; increasing car dealer targets, motor emission charge reviews, prices paid for motor trade insurance as well as recent Office of Fair Trading (OFT) complaint increases (described in more detail below).

Figures released covering the first half of 2010 has shown an increase in complaints (in the used car niche) of 18% - this is based on figures released by the Office of Fair Trading (OFT). When considering these figures it becomes noticeable that approximately 1 in 5 people who have bought a used/second hand car are not satisfied with some or all of their purchase.

Consumer Directs operations manager, Michele Shambrook, has stated that whilst a cars reliability can falter over age, the complaints made by these consumers were within the first three months of a purchase, meaning theyre the dealers responsibility to fix.

The OFT also said it will be releasing a campaign that will help consumers know their rights when purchasing a second hand vehicle. This campaign will be backed by Retail Motor Industry, reports.

This will not have helped car dealerships, especially those operating in the used car niche as buyer confidence is key within the second hand car market.

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