Law & Legal & Attorney Accidents & personal injury Law

Do You Have Grounds for an Accutane Lawsuit?

The prescription drug, Accutane, has been linked to devastating medical complications and serious side effects in recent years. The drug was originally developed to treat severe, chronic and persistent cystic and nodule acne. However, like many popular drugs, it was actually overprescribed by numerous doctors.

Unbeknownst to the medical providers at the time, this drug is actually not safe. It can take a few years for the adverse side effects of Accutane to surface. They can include problems with the liver, pancreas, bowels, esophagus and liver. The most common side effect includes serious problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

In a recent settlement, a patient suffered from serious damage to his rectum and colon, and had to have most of it removed. The Accutane lawsuit that he brought forth was settled for a whopping $25 million. While this is an unusual amount for an Accutane lawsuit to settle for, it demonstrates and sets precedence that this drug is indeed not safe for usage. And it confirms that Accutane can and does have detrimental and adverse side effects that are associated with its usage.

Taking Action Matters

It's important to find out if you are a potential candidate for an Accutane lawsuit. There have been serious and severe side effects associated and directly linked to the usage of this prescription drug. In fact, numerous Accutane lawsuits have been brought to the courts over the past few years, netting some rather large settlements for the plaintiffs.

One of the most common reasons behind an Accutane lawsuit includes gastrointestinal complications that can range from Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), Crohn's Disease and even Ulcerative Colitis. If you or a loved one has taken this prescription medication, and now is suffering from medical complications as a result€"you need to take action now and contact an Accutane lawyer to review your options and potential for a case.

A caring lawyer can review your medical history and discuss your case options with you, and will apprise you of how you can proceed. Keep in mind that it's the responsibility of the drug makers to ensure that they are delivering a product that's safe for you to use. Even FDA approved drugs can cause serious complications that cause the drug maker to be civilly liable. The only way to know if you are a candidate for an Accutane lawsuit is by reviewing your case options with a seasoned attorney today.

Filing an Accutane Lawsuit

If you have experienced any side effects or adverse reactions that you think may have been linked to your usage of Accutane, you may have grounds to file an Accutane lawsuit. The first and most critical step that you have to take is to review your options with a seasoned legal expert. In this manner, you can be best advised as to the strength and merit of your case, and you will be able to proceed with your lawsuit. Don't suffer another day from the devastating side effects of this unsafe drug. Help get the FDA to revoke its approval of Accutane so that others don't have to suffer as well.

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