Will we invade Syria? The President, along with two of his cabinet members have made statements denouncing Syria for harboring fugitive Iraqi government leaders, but that is not the worst of it! They also said the "keyword" of "weapons of mass destruction"! That term is applied by the President in a condemning manner..
just before he orders troops to invade a country! This he has done twice! One was Afghanistan, the second was Iraq! The truth is; we are already in Syria! We probably, I said ..
because I do not have positive proof, only listening to the "General Assembly" that the news media outlets have garnered to help "explain" the war in Iraq to us Americans.
We sure needed it I guess, as much as the news media talking heads! They know Zip about military actions, and I find that I am sort of "out of date" myself, seeing as I am older'n dirt! It is said that we probably already have Special Forces in Syria, just as we did before invading Afghanistan.
Just as we did before invading Iraq.
Is there any doubt that we are about to take a turn to the West? We may! We may put enough pressure on Syria to give up the Murdering, Lying, Torturing, Thieving, Saddam Hussein and his entourage.
If not, then we will go in and try to "extract" them.
Or parts thereof! The fact is we are going after their money! Money seems to be a major thing in stopping "terrorists".
I put "terrorists" in quotes because, "one man's patriot is another man's "terrorist".
That too is a quote.
The problem here is that although the Syrian Government may, well, they did, support "terrorist" activities against Israel, and did support the Saddam Hussein Government; they also supported our invasion in Iraq! And the hunt for Bin Ladin, if I remember correctly.
They then allowed their people go into Iraq and fight against the Coalition forces! They also permitted several Iraqi troops to flee across the border into Syria.
This seems to be horrendous.
But actually it is not! How many people are we going to kill? You see it, the war, has to end sometime.
Some day the war, the search for "terrorists" will end.
It will end as all the other wars have ended.
It may take thirty or forty years, or just months, but it will end.
And as most wars end, there will be survivors.
Survivors that include at times the Government leaders of a country.
Survivors of combatants, rapists, torturers, evil men.
But that is the way with war.
Peace must include the "pardon", although hardly written, of all participants.
Most participants.
Sometimes the very worst of the worst are hunted down for generations.
Such as the Israelites hunting down the Germans in Brazil.
I think they should give them a big hug and tell them they are forgiven, sort of a "The Lord Judge between thee and me".
That places the sin totally upon them, causes peace to flourish, and people forgive, if not forget.
The things that the Lord sends upon people is awesome.
War itself is sent by the Lord! "With what would I chastise my people, if not with a rod of iron..
" Seems that might be a close quote, it has been too many years since I studied.
However, in African countries, the people sit around and judge each person that they witnessed hacking their relatives and children and spouses with machetes! And they are not all hung, nor imprisoned.
Some were allowed to go back to their villages and live.
Why? Because to do else would end them as a nation! To do otherwise would end them as a tribe and a people.
You see the point? So war will end.
And many will be forgiven or probated or pardoned.
That is the way with people, the earth, and the fact of war.
It is history.
Some day there will be allies that are enemies today, and then there will be enemies that are today allies.
France comes to mind! This too is the "way" on the earth filled with humans.
And since it will happen, we might as well do two things.
Accept it.
And go on living.
The rest will be taken care of.
If we are not filling our lives with hate.
For hate does kill! We do not need to hunt down ever one of the Iraqi troops that fled to Syria.
They stood up for their country just as our people did.
They do that out of fear.
We do so out of a sense of duty and patriotism.
The end is the same.
Just as Russia can one day threaten us with annihilation with nuclear bombs on missiles based in Cuba, the French can be against us, and the Russians our friends, playing as our friends, and then actually be discovered to be against us also.
We are not working with clean hands either! We sale arms.
We use arms.
We have assassins.
We have secrets.
We work to upset other countries aims and goals.
Just as Germany, France, and Russia, have done.
What though is the future? Germany, France, and Russia, will all try to mend fences.
Then seeing that is only being done half-hearted, or just because they have to exist as a nation, they will return to this double-dealing! We are not innocent of this either! Ask Oliver North! Who did he take money from? Who did he buy weapons from? Who did he sale or deliver weapons too? And it will come shortly back to haunt us! One day it will, I guarantee it! Peace can only be achieved by cutting our stay and our goals short.
The Middle East will boil over, It will boil over anyway, whether we leave or not! One day it will join forces with China, Russia, France, Italy, Germany, all the nations against Israel! I believe that.
I trust that.
But it does not have to be today! Does it? Kill or capture Saddam and his henchmen if you can.
Then cut off his money.
Then take the oil profits and rebuild Iraq.
And then turn the country and its oil reserves back to the Iraqis, as we promised.
Then get the hell out of the Middle East! That will not be done totally, but I can hope.
The fact is the United States and its allies will have a "presence" in Iraq for decades to come.
We cannot leave them to themselves.
We do need to have our foot in the door to compete and keep an eye on every country.
That is why we let them come put a foot in our door! But we do not have to have a secret agenda to "mess" with Iraq to control it and make things go our way always.
And that is the thing we always do! That is the reason we are fighting and trying to control things in South America, and in Cuba, and in the Philippines, right now! We need to give it a rest! We made our point.
They will fear us enough to show respect for the United States of America, or they will regret it! Even if they don't like us, they can keep a civil attitude.
Now lets go home! And bring our all our bases from Germany! And dig up all our soldiers and sailors in France and re-inter them in this country in special cemeteries! It would be worth the cost! Dan Bunch Copyright 2005 by Dan Bunch
just before he orders troops to invade a country! This he has done twice! One was Afghanistan, the second was Iraq! The truth is; we are already in Syria! We probably, I said ..
because I do not have positive proof, only listening to the "General Assembly" that the news media outlets have garnered to help "explain" the war in Iraq to us Americans.
We sure needed it I guess, as much as the news media talking heads! They know Zip about military actions, and I find that I am sort of "out of date" myself, seeing as I am older'n dirt! It is said that we probably already have Special Forces in Syria, just as we did before invading Afghanistan.
Just as we did before invading Iraq.
Is there any doubt that we are about to take a turn to the West? We may! We may put enough pressure on Syria to give up the Murdering, Lying, Torturing, Thieving, Saddam Hussein and his entourage.
If not, then we will go in and try to "extract" them.
Or parts thereof! The fact is we are going after their money! Money seems to be a major thing in stopping "terrorists".
I put "terrorists" in quotes because, "one man's patriot is another man's "terrorist".
That too is a quote.
The problem here is that although the Syrian Government may, well, they did, support "terrorist" activities against Israel, and did support the Saddam Hussein Government; they also supported our invasion in Iraq! And the hunt for Bin Ladin, if I remember correctly.
They then allowed their people go into Iraq and fight against the Coalition forces! They also permitted several Iraqi troops to flee across the border into Syria.
This seems to be horrendous.
But actually it is not! How many people are we going to kill? You see it, the war, has to end sometime.
Some day the war, the search for "terrorists" will end.
It will end as all the other wars have ended.
It may take thirty or forty years, or just months, but it will end.
And as most wars end, there will be survivors.
Survivors that include at times the Government leaders of a country.
Survivors of combatants, rapists, torturers, evil men.
But that is the way with war.
Peace must include the "pardon", although hardly written, of all participants.
Most participants.
Sometimes the very worst of the worst are hunted down for generations.
Such as the Israelites hunting down the Germans in Brazil.
I think they should give them a big hug and tell them they are forgiven, sort of a "The Lord Judge between thee and me".
That places the sin totally upon them, causes peace to flourish, and people forgive, if not forget.
The things that the Lord sends upon people is awesome.
War itself is sent by the Lord! "With what would I chastise my people, if not with a rod of iron..
" Seems that might be a close quote, it has been too many years since I studied.
However, in African countries, the people sit around and judge each person that they witnessed hacking their relatives and children and spouses with machetes! And they are not all hung, nor imprisoned.
Some were allowed to go back to their villages and live.
Why? Because to do else would end them as a nation! To do otherwise would end them as a tribe and a people.
You see the point? So war will end.
And many will be forgiven or probated or pardoned.
That is the way with people, the earth, and the fact of war.
It is history.
Some day there will be allies that are enemies today, and then there will be enemies that are today allies.
France comes to mind! This too is the "way" on the earth filled with humans.
And since it will happen, we might as well do two things.
Accept it.
And go on living.
The rest will be taken care of.
If we are not filling our lives with hate.
For hate does kill! We do not need to hunt down ever one of the Iraqi troops that fled to Syria.
They stood up for their country just as our people did.
They do that out of fear.
We do so out of a sense of duty and patriotism.
The end is the same.
Just as Russia can one day threaten us with annihilation with nuclear bombs on missiles based in Cuba, the French can be against us, and the Russians our friends, playing as our friends, and then actually be discovered to be against us also.
We are not working with clean hands either! We sale arms.
We use arms.
We have assassins.
We have secrets.
We work to upset other countries aims and goals.
Just as Germany, France, and Russia, have done.
What though is the future? Germany, France, and Russia, will all try to mend fences.
Then seeing that is only being done half-hearted, or just because they have to exist as a nation, they will return to this double-dealing! We are not innocent of this either! Ask Oliver North! Who did he take money from? Who did he buy weapons from? Who did he sale or deliver weapons too? And it will come shortly back to haunt us! One day it will, I guarantee it! Peace can only be achieved by cutting our stay and our goals short.
The Middle East will boil over, It will boil over anyway, whether we leave or not! One day it will join forces with China, Russia, France, Italy, Germany, all the nations against Israel! I believe that.
I trust that.
But it does not have to be today! Does it? Kill or capture Saddam and his henchmen if you can.
Then cut off his money.
Then take the oil profits and rebuild Iraq.
And then turn the country and its oil reserves back to the Iraqis, as we promised.
Then get the hell out of the Middle East! That will not be done totally, but I can hope.
The fact is the United States and its allies will have a "presence" in Iraq for decades to come.
We cannot leave them to themselves.
We do need to have our foot in the door to compete and keep an eye on every country.
That is why we let them come put a foot in our door! But we do not have to have a secret agenda to "mess" with Iraq to control it and make things go our way always.
And that is the thing we always do! That is the reason we are fighting and trying to control things in South America, and in Cuba, and in the Philippines, right now! We need to give it a rest! We made our point.
They will fear us enough to show respect for the United States of America, or they will regret it! Even if they don't like us, they can keep a civil attitude.
Now lets go home! And bring our all our bases from Germany! And dig up all our soldiers and sailors in France and re-inter them in this country in special cemeteries! It would be worth the cost! Dan Bunch Copyright 2005 by Dan Bunch