Law & Legal & Attorney Accidents & personal injury Law

Obama"s Health Care Law

The majority of the US citizen is thinking about Obama's healthcare law. Most of them nag about this kind of law which is just a tool to increase their taxes, leaving the president to defend an election-year vow not to raise levies on the middle class. This is what the Quinnipiac University poll said during a survey.

By a portion of 36-55 percent, respondents claimed that the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act are another reason why taxes will increase in the country. Less respondents were unsure of what they can say about this. Few more are saying that the US Supreme court have the right to uphold it and repeal it.

Voter's point of view about this as a tax might just be a problem for Obama as he takes on former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney as told by Peter Brown an assistant director of the Quinnipiac University Polling Instited base in Connecticut.

"Obama has worked mightily to avoid the 'T' word,"Brown said sent through an email conducted in July 1-8. The main picture is whether the authorities can convince citizens that the healthcare law breaks Obma's promise in raising taxes for those who makes less than $250 000 USD," Brown added.

Obama leads Romney during the poll survey from a 46 percent to a 43 percent lead.

A vote to repeal once been declared and encouraged by Romney with his fellow Republicans and hammered down Obama's tax issue since the Supreme Court ruling last month. July 11th of this year, the Republican controlled House voted once again to repeal the healthcare law, but still Obama vowed to vote it though the Senate has no any other plans to take up the measure.

Supreme Court's decision won't affect the votes of the respondents, 27 percent would make them realize not to vote for Obama and 12 percent will support the president. To sum up, 55 percent said that healthcare policy is essential to them.

US citizens right now split up with their decision
on whether every citizen in US should have a health insurance. Women and men have the same ratio of opposing and agreing the law.

Obama's latest action on immigration fares are in favor with the voters with 55 percent to 39 percent of decision to oppose the deportation of several young illegal immigrants.

Even so Arizona crackdown, voters say 61 percent to 34 percent that wishes a law similar to Arizona the requires an authority to check immigration status of anyone stopped or arrested as being a suspect for an illegal immigrant. The US president administration challenged that law, and the Supreme Court struck down much of it in the month of June.

Attorney General Eric Holder was voted for accusation in contempt of his refusal in passing over the documents to the gun operation in the country. Surveys from a 2 722 registered voters has a margin of error with a tolerance of 1.9 percent points.

Tax lawyers would be grateful for Obama once the law will be fully implemented, and more work will await them.
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