Health & Medical Diabetes

What Are the Diabetes Symptoms - Getting Into Healthy Life

What are the diabetes symptoms that we need to know to avoid having more serious complications? What are the things that we can do to stop the risk of having diabetes? Hyperglycemia, or high blood sugar is common among diabetics.
It usually occurs when a diabetic person eats too much, and has too little insulin to regulate their blood sugar.
Sometimes stress can cause diabetes.
Being aware of the following symptoms and staying alert is essential: need for frequent urination drowsiness nausea extreme hunger and thirst blurring of vision dry, itchy skin weight loss dry mouth If hyperglycemia persist for several hours and leads to dehydration, other symptoms may develop such as: difficulty in breathing dizziness upon standing rapid weight loss increased drowsiness and confusions unconsciousness or coma If the hyperglycemia left untreated, it can lead to a condition called ketoacidosis, also known as diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) or diabetic coma.
This can occur when our body has no sufficient insulin to process glucose into fuel, so the body breaks down fats to use for energy.
When our body breaks down the fat, the ketones are produced as the by- products.
Some of these ketones are eliminated by urine but not all.
The ketones will remain in the blood when the patient is rehydrated and adequate insulin is restored.
The ketones can cause nausea, headaches, fatigue, or vomiting.
Ketoacidosis is a life- threatening and it need immediate treatment.
The symptoms includes: shortness of breath nausea and vomiting dry mouth breath that smells fruity stomach pain It is very important to seek for medical care when the hyperglycemia persist for about 2 to 3 days or if the ketones appear in the urine.
Generally the people with diabetes need to test their blood level at least four times a day.
The urine should be test for the presence of ketones.
It is very important to seek for immediate medical care for these conditions: vomiting confusions sleepiness shortness of breath dehydration blood sugar level that stay above 160 mg/dl for longer than a week glucose readings higher than 300 mg/dl the presence of ketones in the urine It is very important to have a regular check up to avoid having this kind of condition.
Knowing the diabetes symptoms is one way to decrease the incidence of death because of this.
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