Insurance Health Insurance

When Part-time Jobs Don"t Offer Health Insurance

Many Americans choose to work part-time jobs for a variety of reasons.
Perhaps you've just enrolled in college and have chosen to attend college full-time and work part-time in order to graduate sooner.
Maybe you've chosen to work part-time in order to devote more time to your home business.
Maybe you've decided to work part-time in order to spend more time with your children.
Perhaps you've opted to work a few part-time jobs instead of one full-time job because you like the diversity or you just can't find a full-time job for which you're qualified or enjoy.
See?There are so many reasons American choose to work part-time jobs.
Despite the perks part-time jobs offer, there are some downfalls, too.
One of the major downfalls of working a part-time job is many part-time jobs don't offer health insurance.
This is usually because employers don't feel their part-time employees invest enough time in the company to compensate for the cost of health insurance.
While this makes sense, it does little to console the part-time employee.
Americans who work part-time jobs that don't offer health insurance basically have three ways to get health insurance: their spouses can add them to their health insurance policies, they can buy into a group health insurance policy, or they can purchase an individual health insurance policy.
It's true that individual health insurance policies are often more expensive than being added to a spouse's policy or buying into a group policy, they are also sometimes the only choice part-time employees have.
After all, not everyone is married, and not everyone belongs to an organization that offers health insurance policies.
If this is your situation, you can lower your individual health insurance costs by minimizing coverage, raising deductibles, and paying annually rather than monthly.
Shop around for an individual health insurance policy that offers the lowest rates that can be paid annually for only the coverage you need.
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