- 1). Cut long triangles out of the white lace. The top measurements of the fabric will be 1.5 - 2.5 inches. Vary the size and length of the triangles so you have some variety to your finished icicles. Sew each triangle together along the side to make a tube.
- 2). Turn the fabric tube inside out. Place the fabric inside the center of the drapery ring, holding the ring close to the top edge. Fold the top of the fabric over the ring. Stitch the edge of the fabric to the fabric tube to enclose the ring inside the top of the tube. Turn the tube right side out again.
- 3). Attach one end of the piece of wire to the ring by twisting it around a few times until it is secure. Attach the other end of the wire across from the first and twist securely to the ring to make a hanger for the icicle.
- 4). Attach a small drapery hook to the bottom of the triangle to make the icicle hang straight.
- 5). Run lengths of hot glue from the top of the fabric to the bottom. When you have enough glue to keep the icicle straight, remove the drapery hook. Let dry. Repeat four to five times until you have enough glue to make an icicle shape.
- 6). Add silver glitter to the glue before it dries to make the icicles sparkle.
- 1). Measure the width of the window where you will place your icicle painting.
- 2). Cut 3- to 4-inch strips of construction paper to fit inside the width of the window. You may have to use more than one strip if your window is wide. Use black paper so the white icicles will stand out more.
- 3
Help your child draw a line of glue.Brand X Pictures/Brand X Pictures/Getty Images
Draw a line of glue along the top of the horizontally positioned construction paper. Go over the line several times so the glue builds up into a thick line. - 4). Hold the paper upright and let the glue drip down toward the bottom of the strip. Some areas will drip faster than others, creating the irregular icicle shapes.
- 5). When the icicles have adequately dripped, lay the paper down and sprinkle coarse sea salt on the glue to make it sparkle. Let it dry.
- 6). Tape the paper in the top of your windowpanes for a chilly effect.
- 1). Measure the cake plate or shelf where you will be attaching the icicle trim.
- 2). Cut four lengths of white crepe paper to your measurement. Lay one length on a piece of wax paper so it doesn't stick to your surface.
- 3
Mix white glue with water to brush on the crepe paper.Jupiterimages/Photos.com/Getty Images
Mix white glue with a little bit of water in a paper cup. The glue should be easy to spread but not too runny. - 4). Brush the entire length of the crepe paper with the glue and water mixture. With the glue still wet, repeat this process, adding three more layers of crepe paper on top of the first. Take care to place them exactly on top of each other.
- 5). Add glitter to the final layer while it is still wet. Let the crepe paper strip dry overnight.
- 6). Cut one long edge of the crepe paper stack with the decorative-edge scissors to simulate an icicle pattern.
- 7). Attach the trim around the edge of your cake plate or on the shelf displaying your Christmas village.
Hot Glue Icicles
Icicle Painting
Icicle Trim