Business & Finance Social Media

Can You Twitter Bring You Free Traffic and Profits?

First of all what is twitter.
Twitter is quite simply a social network based on one question, "What Are You Doing?" The goal is to keep people up to date with what you are doing at the time.
You get just 140 characters to express what you are doing at the time, thus making the process very stream line and to the point.
These little updates can be posted in a number of ways from Instant Message to Email.
When a message is sent its called a tweet.
My research has revealed that over 2 million users are on twitter tweeting away.
This means that there is a chance that some of these "Tweeters" may be looking for something that you have to offer.
So in pops the big question.
How can I use Twitter to help me market and drive traffic to my website? First we want to warn you that this can be quite addictive.
You may find yourself being very unproductive updating people on your days activities.
So stay focused.
Make sure your getting your message across and getting traffic to your moneymaking sites.
The goal is to get people to "follow" you.
Having content that adds value to the community makes people want to follow you.
This also causes people to click on your link to get more of what your talking about.
Setting up your tweet with enticing information and adding a link to get more is how you can get traffic and also set yourself up as an authority.
Your first source of clicks with twitter is through your "Bio.
" Here you can describe yourself and then add a link to your favorite moneymaking site.
Another source of clicks is through a tool that you setup to interface with Twitter.
allows you to send out a personal tweet message to anyone that follows you automatically.
So if your away from your computer etc you can have this message sent to them thanking them for the follow also having your link in this message often induces a click through.
The final source of traffic is through the tweets themselves.
Adding a link here may be the most effective.
People that are following you will tend to click on these link more readily and over time as well.
Don't worry about long links twitter (at the time of this writing) uses tinyurl to truncate your longer urls.
So by adding value and knowing where to put your links to your site you can see that having twitter as addition to your online marketing campaign can give free traffic and make you money.
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