Health & Medical Nutrition

Weight Gain Advise For The Hardgainer

It would be great if we could all gain masses of muscle mass without getting fat. Think of how great it would be to be able to gain good weight and not have to worry about working it all back off in the gym because it's the wrong kind of weight. Well here are some proven points below to do exactly that without having to search high and low on the internet.

Ensure That You Are Eating Good Quality Food
If you were to ask just about anyone, "how to put size on," most of the time they would say, "I just eat anything, just get it down and then turn it into muscle later."

That is not the way to do it and still be able to keep what you have already done. You have to know how many calories that you consume in a day.

These people desperately want to put size on but usually when you see them at the gym, they have some excuse as to why what they are doing is not working. This has a lot less to do with the food that they eat than it has to do with their metabolism. Remember fat can not turn into muscle which ever way you try and look at it.

If you are trying to gain weight, not just weight in general, but trying to gain muscle with good quality weight, then you need to eat good, quality, and dense foods.

But the catch is that you have to eat enough of the dense food types. Also, if you are trying to gain weight without gaining fat too, then you have to bulk up with the same fundamentals that you would if you were on a cutting diet.

Make sure that you are choosing the higher-calorie foods when you can, but make sure too that you are eating more than your usual body maintenance calorie intake.

In using this method, you must keep a record of what you are eating and not eat too many calories that your body just stores all of the excess calories thus creating a lot of fat. Not only that, but your diet must be consistent. This is a major key to keeping the fat off long turn.

Just because you want to build more muscle mass, great! But it does not mean that you have a free pass to eat everything in sight.

In order for you to gain weight without getting fat, then you just need to eat a bit over what your body needs to maintain itself.

This way, you will give your body all of the calories that it needs to build lean muscle mass without giving it enough to make it store as body fat.

Anything that you eat in excess, proteins included, will be stored as fat. You must gain healthy weight while minimizing excess fat gains.

Don't Just Go Shopping For Food, Choose What You Buy To Gain Weight And Muscle Build

I recommend that you eat six- 7 meals a day when training your body to gain lean body mass. You should be consuming a small meal that contains lean protein, a potentially healthy fat, and fibrous or starchy carbohydrates approximately every two to three hours.

If you really want to gain muscle size, skipping any meals is a big no you need to consistently eat up to six-7 times a day.

Making sure that you are keeping your metabolism running high and nitrogen (protein) in your system will ensure that you will keep the muscle that you have worked so hard to build. I feel that this is the part that most hard gainers seem to forget

Keep in mind that if you fail to plan out your meals, you will ultimately not be eating enough food to gain weight and muscle. This is an important point in this day and age. Once you get into the habit of preparing your food in advance, it will become easier to maintain and reach your goal.

Take In A Variety Of Nutrients To put on size.
When we start to get used to eating certain foods, and refuse to change our diet up, this can be a killer to the efforts to weight gain and muscle building, this is also the quickest way to revert back to old habits of missing meals and eating the wrong kind of foods.

If you are being finicky in your diet choices you can drastically limit the calories that you eat as well as nutrients and vitamins , which are needed for proper body growth. Do not neglect them.

Speed Up Your Metabolism By Eating For Gain Weight And Muscle Build

This does not mean gorging on food, stuffing yourself, or making yourself sick.

It does means eating more than you have been which will gradually prepare your body's metabolism for the added meals each day. You should be slowly adding more food to your daily diet, while eating more meals a day until you know what the perfect weight gain calorie need is for your body to have good gain weight and muscle build.

Simply said, in order to gain weight without fat, you need to raise your metabolic rate and consume more calories!

Here are 4 ways you can help increase your metabolic rate to help increase your body weight.

Drink more water
If your planning on building muscle and adding good weight you need to drink water. Water is not only a lubricant of the body, it also flushes the body out and keeps the kidneys operating at maximum efficiency. Lack of water causes the operation of the body's functions to decrease and lower the metabolism rate. You should drink at least 8 glasses of water a day.

You need to sleep well
Getting a good night's sleep can boost the body's operations and metabolism. According to some researches, it stated that people who do not get enough sleep tend to gain the wrong weight. In addition, the body uses sleep to regenerate and repair muscles.

Sugar is bad
Taking too much sugar might overload the body and cause many serious health problems such as obesity and diabetes. The human body cannot deal with a large amount of refined sugar that maybe present in your meal
I hope that this article has been of interest and helpful in your quest to reach your goal.
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