If you want to create a home gym so that you do not have to leave the house to work out, you will need at least basic exercise equipment. Whether you want to lose weight or tone up, there are a few items that you should have. If you do not have the money to buy several types of equipment at once, you can just purchase it gradually, checking out used items for the best deal. Consider the standard types of exercise equipment that are considered necessary for any home gym.
Free weights are important to have no matter your workout goals, though of course the amount of weight will vary depending on how much you want to lose or gain. For example, women usually want to tone up their arms without adding bulk, so they are advised to use small weights that range from 3 to 15 pounds. Consider buying a few sets so that you can increase the amount of weight over time. On the other hand, most men want to add some bulk, so they need larger weights. Though a weight bench is usually necessary for doing bench presses, which are known for adding bulk fast, you can save money by starting out with free weights for now.
Most people who want to lose weight use cardio machines, especially when they get tired of running outside. This kind of exercise equipment makes it easy to get in your workout inside, which is helpful when the weather is nasty, or it is too dark out to run or walk outside. Though a treadmill is the old standby for walking and running, ellipticals are also popular since they are easy on the joints. You can also buy a recumbent bike if you enjoy bicycling without having to get out the safety gear or even go outside. Of course, there is also more unique exercise equipment, such as ski machines and rowing machines. Consider your favorite sport, and then buy the machine that most closely matches the required movement.
You will be happy to know that one of the most important pieces of exercise equipment is very cheap. A workout mat is known for providing comfort while also keeping you from touching a dirty gym floor while you exercise. Now you can get the same convenience at home, even if your floor is clean. This is usually called a Pilates or yoga mat, but you can use it to do more than these workouts. A mat is great for stretching, crunches, the plank position, and any other moves that require you to lie down.
Most people can afford the mat new without breaking the bank, but the cardio machine and free weights may be harder to buy cheaply. Fortunately, plenty of people sell their used exercise equipment, and many times, it looks practically new. Look online or check out garage sales to buy the necessary exercise equipment to start your home gym, even if you are on a budget.
Free weights are important to have no matter your workout goals, though of course the amount of weight will vary depending on how much you want to lose or gain. For example, women usually want to tone up their arms without adding bulk, so they are advised to use small weights that range from 3 to 15 pounds. Consider buying a few sets so that you can increase the amount of weight over time. On the other hand, most men want to add some bulk, so they need larger weights. Though a weight bench is usually necessary for doing bench presses, which are known for adding bulk fast, you can save money by starting out with free weights for now.
Most people who want to lose weight use cardio machines, especially when they get tired of running outside. This kind of exercise equipment makes it easy to get in your workout inside, which is helpful when the weather is nasty, or it is too dark out to run or walk outside. Though a treadmill is the old standby for walking and running, ellipticals are also popular since they are easy on the joints. You can also buy a recumbent bike if you enjoy bicycling without having to get out the safety gear or even go outside. Of course, there is also more unique exercise equipment, such as ski machines and rowing machines. Consider your favorite sport, and then buy the machine that most closely matches the required movement.
You will be happy to know that one of the most important pieces of exercise equipment is very cheap. A workout mat is known for providing comfort while also keeping you from touching a dirty gym floor while you exercise. Now you can get the same convenience at home, even if your floor is clean. This is usually called a Pilates or yoga mat, but you can use it to do more than these workouts. A mat is great for stretching, crunches, the plank position, and any other moves that require you to lie down.
Most people can afford the mat new without breaking the bank, but the cardio machine and free weights may be harder to buy cheaply. Fortunately, plenty of people sell their used exercise equipment, and many times, it looks practically new. Look online or check out garage sales to buy the necessary exercise equipment to start your home gym, even if you are on a budget.