Teach a dog to talk with ease, it really is less complicated than you ever could have imagined.
When I first learned to teach dog to talk I thought that it was going to be so time consuming and to be honest it sounded a little bit difficult.
But to my own surprise, it did not talk my dog very long to learn this at all.
When you teach dog to talk you want to first start out by having a really small treat.
It needs to be small in order for your dog to not become very full after especially if it is just after the first couple of tries.
So what your going to do after you have the treat, you will teach dog to talk by making sure that you both are in a room that is quiet and that has absolutely no distractions around.
In order for this to taught in a fast way, no distractions is a must.
Your going to teach dog to talk by teasing him or her.
You will accomplish this by holding that treat over the dogs head.
You will also need to say to him or her in the sweetest voice "talk" or other wise known as the "speak" command.
When the dog whines or barks, make sure to immediately give him that small treat.
You are going to want to find ways to practice every so often since repetition is the only way to make sure the dog learns this command the proper way.
Who would have thought that being able to teach dog to talk would be this simple? I put a link to a free dog training video lesson at the bottom.
Feel free to take a glance at it, it is really great and even helped me out with my dog.
When I first learned to teach dog to talk I thought that it was going to be so time consuming and to be honest it sounded a little bit difficult.
But to my own surprise, it did not talk my dog very long to learn this at all.
When you teach dog to talk you want to first start out by having a really small treat.
It needs to be small in order for your dog to not become very full after especially if it is just after the first couple of tries.
So what your going to do after you have the treat, you will teach dog to talk by making sure that you both are in a room that is quiet and that has absolutely no distractions around.
In order for this to taught in a fast way, no distractions is a must.
Your going to teach dog to talk by teasing him or her.
You will accomplish this by holding that treat over the dogs head.
You will also need to say to him or her in the sweetest voice "talk" or other wise known as the "speak" command.
When the dog whines or barks, make sure to immediately give him that small treat.
You are going to want to find ways to practice every so often since repetition is the only way to make sure the dog learns this command the proper way.
Who would have thought that being able to teach dog to talk would be this simple? I put a link to a free dog training video lesson at the bottom.
Feel free to take a glance at it, it is really great and even helped me out with my dog.