Health & Medical Rheumatoid Arthritis

3 Key Facts About Thumb Joint Pain

Is one of your thumbs sticking out like one with thumb joint pain? This is actually more common than you might think.
Typically, the cause is arthritis of the thumbs.
Here are some facts about this disorder.
The first symptom is aches at the thumbs' base.
When you feel tenderness here when grasping, lifting or squeezing, then you could be suffering from arthritis.
Not only could you feel aches when performing these actions, but you could also have difficulty doing the actions themselves (ouch!).
Also, you may feel aching in this digit even when you aren't using it.
Within time, you could suffer from inflammation in the region.
Typically the first finger becomes rigid and the range of motion significantly decreases.
The seriousness of arthritis of thumbs can vary.
The seriousness of the symptoms you experience depends on how frequently you use the first finger and how serious the arthritis is.
For example, if you play a racquet sport or use your thumbs a lot in the workplace, then it's likely that your situation will worsen.
Still, you can learn to cope with the situation.
For instance, when you suffer from thumb joint pain it's advisable that you perform tasks using your other hand, to avoid putting pressure on the first finger.
You can prevent arthritis of the thumbs.
You can take certain steps to help prevent the forming of arthritis in your thumbs.
Those who use their thumbs frequently at work are prone to suffer from it.
Additionally, obesity can increase your chance of acquiring the disorder, so losing weight could consequently reduce your chance of acquiring it.
While family history and aging are factors, they don't increase the likelihood of acquiring the arthritis.
To treat thumb joint pain naturally, you could use Joint Advance.
It feeds your body's joints the nutrients they require.
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