Health & Medical sports & Exercise

Exercise to Open Up Your Hips and Groin

Our hips and groin area are naturally tight and closed.
Closed hips and tight groin make us susceptible to injuries and hinders our overall physical fitness progress especially to our legs.
Just like our backs, our hips and groin need to be opened up in order to increase the efficiency of our exercises such as lunges, squats, dead lifts, and many other movements.
In addition, we can run faster, jump higher, and move quicker if our hips and groin area are loose and flexilbe.
They need to be opened up.
By opening up our hips, we can perform many exercises and movements safer, faster, and quicker.
Especially with men, your hip movements are not as flexible and mobile as they should be- unless you work on it.
You need to do movements that will enable you to open up your hips.
One exercise that is great to open up your hips is the kneeling lunges.
The kneeling lunges is done with one knee touching the ground and the other knee off the ground.
The knee that is not touching ground is forming a right angle with the upper leg and lower leg.
You are basically doing a lunge with the one knee on the ground.
* Start off with your left knee off the ground such that you are kneeling with your right knee.
* Make sure that the upper left leg and lower left leg is forming a right angle.
* To open your hips up more, move the right leg back more and keep the right angle formed on the left leg.
* Keep your hands on the ground as you concentrate on opening up your hips by moving the left leg back more.
* Hold that for about 30 seconds to a minute.
* Feel the stretch in your groin and feel your hips opening up.
* Keep the crown of your head high and your back straight during this stretch.
* You should constantly position your legs and back so that you have a great stretch to open up your hips.
* Repeat this kneeling lunge with your left knee down and the right leg forming a right angle.
The kneeling lunge will open up your hips more so that your hips and groin area are more flexible and mobile.
The kneeling lunge is an important static stretch that will gradually open your hips which will add to your flexibility and mobility.
It is a great movement to prepare your body for lunges, squats and other leg movements.
It is also a great movement to cool down your body after your exercise session.
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