Business & Finance Corporations

How To Use E-Bay To Find A Niche Market

Use E-bay to easily find a niche market for your blog or website.
One of the most pressing problems to most internet entrepreneurs and bloggers alike is how to find a niche for their blog or website.
Usually the flat answer to this is to do what you like or what you know.
It has even been quoted "do what you love and the rest will follow".
This is going to sound blunt and perhaps a little mean.
But if you are having a hard time deciding what you like or perhaps feel that you don't know which direction to take, then perhaps it is time you get out from behind your television or video game and go find a hobby or an interest.
That being said, here is an easy way or a few easy ways to find a niche for your blog or website.
First off you should go to E-bay.
E-bay is the largest online auction portal on the planet, more people buy and sell there than any where else on the planet.
Being that it is the largest online market place there are ample sources and categories for you to choose from when selecting a niche.
Why do I say E-bay, only because it is the largest market place.
What you are looking at when you are viewing E-bay are people's desires and needs in full action.
And a big part of choosing a niche is selecting an unfulfilled need or desire and presenting and solution to it.
How to use e-bay to find a niche market.
First off just go to the e-bay main site ebay.
com look down the left hand side there you will find most of the categories that people buy and sell in.
These are markets, broadly targeted niches.
Click on one of the categories that interests you.
This will bring you to another page from which you will be better able to narrow down a niche market.
So as an example I chose consumer electronics.
Then when I clicked through to the next page I scanned through it for something that might be of further interest and chose Apple Ipod Mp3 players.
I chose that because well quite simply my girlfriend owns one and I think it's cool.
They're popular and I know very little about them other than they play music and videos and you can do wild things with them.
So the next thing I ask myself is, what can I do with these gadgets? What pops to mind is podcasting.
So now I have a few directions I can go with this.
I can base a blog around the Ipod devices them selves or build a blog or website around podcasting.
All this took me no more than 5 minutes.
OK so now you have your niche selected.
Now you need content.
Yes I am going to write some of the articles on my own.
But I am going to want to do a bit or reading to get a feel the market and to learn a bit about podcasting.
So I pop over to EzineArticles.
Wow there's a ton of articles on podcasting.
Now at this point you could publish other author's articles on your blog or site.
Or just read and get a feel for your niche and what kind of content to include in it.
Now comes an introduction to the article.
Go to Amazon to pull quotes from leading authorities.
Yes, copying a quote or a brief passage is permitted under copyright law.
Just don't overdo it.
For example, "Tricks of the Podcasting Masters (Paperback) by Rob Walch, Mur Lafferty "At the beginning of 2004, the term podcast did not even exist; by December of 2005,Better yet, read a few sources.
Include things like comments and Consumer Reports.
That's called research.
Now put what they said into your own words.
Just like when you did a book report back in grade six.
Now it's time for photos.
You could snag a quick image from Amazon, if it's the make and model that you're trying to sell.
But chances are, it's just a static product shot, of a cold, hard, lifeless machine.
like that'll make 'em want to buy one.
;-) I click over to iStockPhoto and search for ipods.
Now I've got 64 high quality photos to choose from.
I show action shots of people using their ipods for their listening pleasure being quite happy with.
Now that's the mental image I WANT to project.
Remember, the most missing element on any web page is the human element.
If you want to sell products to people, you need pictures of happy people.
In fact, that would make an excellent headline.
In H1 tags across the top of the page put " Get an ipods and improve your listening pleasure " then in H2 tags right underneath that, "Will an Ipod change the way you listen to music and watch television.
" Now drop a photo reinforcing that headline at the top left hand corner of the page.
Drop another one half way down the article and flush it to the right.
The end of the article is a good place to conclude with the "most popular" or "highest rated" ipods.
These are your affiliate links that lead to the sale of the products.
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