- Lactobacillus acidophilus contains Lactobacilli, bacteria that naturally exist in dogs. Illness, stress, trauma and even prescribed antibiotics can deplete this natural form of bacteria.
- Acidophilus can help restore your dog's natural intestinal activity, improve a dog's coat and alleviate gas and gas-related bad breath.
- Acidophilus is available in pill, powder or liquid form, obtained from your veterinarian or local pet supply store and administered with food. Some products with acidophilus have a limited shelf life, so labels contain information regarding storage and expiration dates.
- The acidophilus bacteria is also present in some types of plain yogurt. It's best to buy unflavored, low fat, low sugar varieties that include "active yogurt cultures" in the list of ingredients. A tablespoon can be mixed with your dog's food.
- Acidophilus is not necessarily intended for permanent, every day use and should be used as directed by your vet. It may also be used to prevent stress-related diarrhea, such as prior to and during boarding.
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