Health & Medical Anti Aging

Top Causes of Premature Skin Aging and Tips on How To Avoid Them

Many people think that skin aging is something that you experience when you reach your mid thirties or forties. But contrary to popular belief, skin aging happens as early as your twenties. It may not be visibly noticeable yet on the outside, but the constant wear and tear can definitely take a toll on the inside, making the process of skin aging speed up. To prevent premature skin aging, it's important to know what causes it in the first place. As they say, you must determine the cause of the problem in order to come up with a solution. With this, let me share to you some of the top causes of skin aging as well as some tips on how to avoid them. Here are some of them.

1. Unprotected exposure to the sun. The number one culprit of premature skin aging is the sun's UV rays. These UV rays can penetrate deep into the skin and gradually damage the collagen producing cells that make our skin youthful. And with repeated exposure to the sun, the skin eventually loses its ability to regenerate and produce collagen. The only way to prevent these UV rays from damaging your skin is by wearing sunscreen every day. It's also best to avoid sun exposure when the sun is at its hottest which is around 10 in the morning until 3 in the afternoon. If that's not possible, make sure that you're well protected - slather SPF on your face, your lips and other parts of the body exposed to the sun.  

2. Unhealthy vices. Unhealthy lifestyle habits such as smoking and drinking alcohol can affect the appearance of the skin. These vices suck moisture out of the skin so fast, making the skin look gaunt, dry and lifeless. If you think it's cool to smoke and drink like there's no tomorrow while you're still young then, you better think twice. You wouldn't want your skin to look like La Lohan's, would you? 

3. Bad sleeping habits. Lack of sleep is one of the primary causes of dark circles, eye bags and sallow skin which all make you look ten years older. Experts say adults should get about seven to eight hours of shut eye every day as sleep helps the body regenerate and rejuvenate. So if you don't get enough sleep every day, it's like you're missing out on your chance to look fresh and youthful. 

4. Stress. Avoiding stress and anxiety is one of the easiest and cheapest ways to cheat your age. When you're stressed, you tend to look drained and haggard, so make an effort to minimize your daily stress levels. Try yoga, deep breathing and other techniques that can help restore your zen.
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