- According to the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, there are currently more than 640,000 police and sheriff's patrol officers working across the country, earning an average wage of $55,180 per year. The bottom 10 percent of earners average $31,400 per year, and the top 10 percent can average $83,550. However, most officers will fall into the middle 50 percent of wages, making between $40,450 and $67,990 per year.
- The vast majority of police officers are considered government employees at the local level. The bureau states that they earn an average of $55,120 per year. The state government also employs many officers at the slightly higher wage of $58,860 a year. The postal service is also known to employ officers, at an average of $51,790 annually. Some private organizations, most commonly colleges and universities, hire an officer or team of officers, as well. These employees can expect a national average salary of $47,430 a year at the college and university level, or $43,570 annually at a junior college.
- Due to cost of living, some officers in certain areas may earn much more or less than the national average. Mississippi is known for a relatively low cost of living, and offers an average of $31,170 a year for police officers. Maryland and New York pay closer to the national average at $56,500 and $60,180, respectively. Several areas pay higher wages. Washington, Illinois and Washington, D.C., all provide average annual wages between $64,000 and $68,000 a year. However, the bureau suggests that the two highest-paying states in the country are New Jersey and California, with wages of $77,660 and $78,690, respectively.
- While a minority of police departments offer full health insurance at no cost to their officers, many police officers must find their own coverage. Usually, the department shares this cost. Police officer insurance is often expensive due to the nature of the work, but there are other benefits to consider. Paid vacation, sick leave and life insurance are all common, and officers often receive allowances for uniforms and extra wages for overtime. Police officers also have the option of retiring with half-pay after only 20 years on the job.
General Salary Information
Different Branches of Government and Private Employers
Cost of Living
Health Insurance and Other Benefits