Business & Finance Small Business

What You Need To Know About Western History

What you need to know about western history is not often taught in schools. There is a great deal of knowledge that is suppressed when it comes to schools today regarding western civilisation. Students who go to school in countries like the United States will get a convoluted history lesson with regard to their country as well as the European nations. Much of this history has been written by revisionists who because they dislike the facts, have decided to create their own notion of American and European history.

Because of the never ending politically correct apologist speech that comes from the left, a great deal of western history has been transformed. The founding fathers of the United States are no longer revered nor is the constitution. This is because of the fact that the US had slavery in the South during the time that the document was written and many of the founding fathers were slaveholders. Although slavery had been brought to the United States from the British and that it was also spread all over the globe as well, this fact negates the efforts of the founding fathers as well as questions their character. New Western History will focus on the fact that they were slave holders rather than their accomplishments.

Europeans are often seen as racist as are white Americans according to new Western Civilisation teachings. The revisionists will target European nations such as Great Britain and deride them for the empire that they created. Great Britain is now called the United Kingdom as even the sound of their own name was considered not politically correct as it pointed to the empirical rule of this country.

Likewise, the Orient is no longer called the Orient due to the implications of colonization by the British. Those who were once called Oriental are now called Asians. This is such a recent change in Western Civilisation that many restaurants still have the word Orient in their name, although newer restaurants will specify Asian cuisine.

The Holocaust is no longer being taught in some schools because it is considered to be offensive to Muslims who are fighting over the land on which is the country of Israel. Sentiments in favor of Jews are discouraged in many schools today, particularly the Holocaust because it has been called a lie by many leaders in the Islamic world. Thus, to avoid offending Muslims, many schools have modified this crucial part of Western history.

Western civilisation has changed into a pacifying, apologizing and mollifying ghost of itself. The culture that made up certain European countries and the United States have been negated and their weaknesses exposed while their strengths hidden in history books to make way for a wave of what is called multi culturalism but really only eliminates the traditional cultures of the United States and Europe. The strengths of these countries, such as their freedoms, have been put to the test and have been used against them in a way that has allowed them to be conquered from the inside out.
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