Health & Medical Rheumatoid Arthritis

Arthritis - Psoriasis Arthritis

Worldwide there are many sufferers of debilitating arthritis, people of all ages and genders are not immune from this insidious disease that has no age or gender preference and it even attack both children and infants.
There is a specific arthritis call Psoriasis Arthritis this is an illness that also affects many millions of people.
At the time of writing there is no known cure for this form of arthritis, it primary attacks the joints and they become swollen added to the arthritis misery the joint that is affected you will get scaly patches of skin.
You can see you are really handed a double disease.
Arthritis and Psoriasis.
The first thing you need to do is get the condition properly diagnosed by a Dr in order to delve into your medical history and take the appropriate tests in order to completely understand its symptoms and treatment available for both the skin complaint along with medications and other options for pain treatment.
Education is knowledge of this disease and this will help you understand the treatment that is being offered.
The drugs you will take will need careful monitoring to get the right mix to as not one medication suits all.
There is help at hand, firstly with your doctor he is your number one contact and he will give you information to read up on the diseases, along with providing information to organisations that have support groups.
The internet is a powerful tool to research and on it your will find other support in various forums that are on line and don't be surprised when you get a reply from around the world.
This is helpful when you have made contact as this gives you peace of mind knowing others really do know how you feel.
The most common age for the psoriatic arthritis is between 20-50 years of age.
Some further symptoms are that people could experience swelling of wrists, knees, elbows and finger joints.
The skin will appear on the swollen joints as being gray and very dry especially around the front and back of the knees and elbows.
The person with this condition can likely have pitted nails and small cuts around the fingernails.
Science states the cause is not totally known but believes it may be related to a combination of environment and genetic predisposition.
The condition is a little tricky for the medical profession as you virtually have 2 fused diseases.
Although there are many drugs out for this condition many do have side effects.
As a lay person I have taken it upon myself to research these diseases and have made many changes to my diet in order to eliminate foods that could trigger an attack without taking drugs.
This has been useful for me to eradicate different foods that kick start my disease.
Changing your diet is one thing another is walking or best of all exercises is aqua aerobic class where there is no weight bearing.
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