Law & Legal & Attorney Government & administrative Law

What Are the Drug Laws for Florida?


    • Possession of marijuana remains the most minor of all drug charges in the state of Florida. A marijuana possession conviction in the state of Florida remains on the defendant's permanent record, which can make future employment quite difficult. Possessing 20 grams or less of marijuana in Florida, considered a first-degree misdemeanor, entails a penalty of up to a year in jail. The first-degree misdemeanor also carries a $1,000 fine. Possessing over 20 grams of marijuana can land the defendant in jail for up to five years with a $5,000 fine. Drug trafficking charges, also known as having intent to sell, have much harsher punishments than simple possession. Being caught with 2,000 pounds of marijuana in the state of Florida has a maximum sentence of seven years in prison with a fine of $50,000.

    Controlled Substance

    • Possessing a controlled substance in Florida has a much harsher penalty than possessing marijuana. Heroin, methamphetamine, cocaine and ecstasy are all considered controlled substances. Possessing a controlled substance has an automatic sentence of a third-degree felony. A third-degree felony can land the defendant in jail for up to five years with a maximum fine of $5,000. Being caught with more than 10 grams of heroin, considered a first-degree felony, has a maximum prison sentence of 30 years with a fine of $10,000. A trafficking conviction in the state of Florida that involves more than 28 grams of heroin has a minimum prison sentence of 25 years.

    Drug Paraphernalia

    • Drug paraphernalia refers to articles related to the consumption of drugs. Paraphernalia can include smoking devices such as bongs and pipes. Paraphernalia also involves scales used to weigh out drugs as well as containers used to house drugs. A drug paraphernalia conviction, deemed a first-degree misdemeanor, carries a maximum jail sentence of a year and a fine of up to $1,000. Advertising for drug paraphernalia has the same penalty as possessing it.

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