Health & Medical Nutrition

Is Processed Food Harming Your Health?

Research has repeatedly shown that consuming an unrefined and unprocessed diet is far healthier than one high in processed foods.
Whilst this may appear fairly indisputable it is frequently ignored in favour of quick and apparently tastier food which often takes the form of high fat meals and snacks.
Cambridge University has released a study highlighting that takeaways raise the likelihood of having an increased BMI (and thus, logically becoming obese).
With long, often stressful, days becoming the norm in society surely our physical health should be a top priority? Food, after all, is essential in determining how one feels.
Clearly people remain unconvinced of the multiple benefits of adopting an unprocessed diet like those offered at Total Diet Food.
It is often cited in research that junk food doesn't go off and the implications of this are concerning.
Whilst most unprocessed food will last, at best, a little over a week before it begins to show signs of mould and the like, the same cannot be said for junk food which, in some cases, will look identical years after being made.
Eating raw or pure food is, fairly obviously, what the body is constructed for and hence, will automatically provide certain gains for an individual such as weight loss (where this is required) and a general sense of well-being.
One may often find they can eat a lot more food (in terms of volume) for the same amount of calories in other foods such as ready meals.
Eating healthy food does not necessarily equate to a 'boring' or a highly restricted diet.
The vast amount of unrefined food available is immense and nutrient dense, providing everything the body requires.
If the body is receiving what it needs, one is far less likely to become poorly.
Laden with calories and additives, junk food is arguably addictive causing people to eat more and more of a certain food to get the same satisfying feeling they desire after a period of time.
Eating an occasional square of chocolate is, realistically, not going to derail a healthy diet.
The same cannot be said for several bars...
Hence, it feels fair to conclude that unprocessed food is irrefutably better for an individual than processed food.
This does not necessarily mean that one must entirely eradicate any food that is not absolutely natural from their diet but simply that it should be a rare treat in an otherwise fresh diet.
If one takes on such a lifestyle, the benefits after just a few short weeks will be clearly noticeable both physically and mentally - junk food largely loses its appeal after one realises this fact.
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