Home & Garden Gardening

Fertilising Bonsai - How to Keep Your Little Darlings Alive and Kicking

Fertilising Bonsai Trees There are two types of fertilizer, organic and chemical.
 Personally, I stick to chemical fertilizers, I find it is easier to use (it is easily dissolved in water).
The fertilizer is composed of these three elements.
  N: Nitrogen (Promotes new growth)  P: Phosphorus (Promotes flowering)  K: Potassium (develops branches, around August)   Chemical Fertilizers: Examples of mixtures available  15-30-15: For using at the start of the growing period for trees to flower.
  20-20-20: For use at the start and during the growth season for trees.
30-10-10: For use at the beginning and during the growing season for trees with needles.
  10-10-30: For use at the end of the autumn period.
Why? Brand new shoots will harden in preparation for the winter.
   Amount of fertilizer  Due to the small size of bonsai try to put half the amount suggested on the packet.
   When to fertilize It really Depends if the tree is in a period of growth or not.
It is also dependent on the age of the tree.
A young bonsai requires more fertilizer than a more mature bonsai .
   How do I know if my tree is growing?  If you see fresh shoots, then the tree is growing.
if not, then it is in a period of rest.
 During the growth period the tree should be fertilised every couple of weeks.
While in the resting state this is reduced to once a month if the tree is kept inside.
If the tree is kept outside or in a unheated greenhouse in winter, it is given no fertilizer at all.
  How to fertilize  It is possible to fertilise by watering directly to the soil or by applying directly to the foliage.
Never fertilize a bonsai tree if the soil is dry.
 It is recommended to first water with pure water.
After 10-20 minutes, you can water again with fertilizer diluted in water.
  You can apply in a spray bottle because the leaves can take up the fertilizer, but remember that the effect is more rapid evaporation.
It is crucial to alternate the method of application, or the roots may become weakened if we just spray the leaves all the time.
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