Health & Medical Diabetes

Type 2 Diabetes - 5 Commonly Made Mistakes

Type 2 diabetes is a medical condition that causes your blood sugar level to vary beyond clinically acceptable levels.
As a result of this, your blood that is supposed to bring food and energy to your cells, slowly destroys the effectiveness of your vital organs on which your body depends.
This can all be reversed but here are five mistakes often made: MISTAKE NO.
While it is true that some of us may have an inherited predisposition towards developing type 2 diabetes, it is equally true that many of us with this genetic predisposition do not end up with this health issue.
This is because we choose to follow a healthy lifestyle that renders the diabetic triggers impotent.
When you add to these factors the indisputable fact that many people who are diagnosed with type 2 diabetes do not have a known family history, but do follow an unhealthy lifestyle then maybe the only possible conclusion is that it is lifestyle, not genetic history, that is the underlying cause of the development of type 2 diabetes.
Unfortunately many people follow unhealthy lifestyles...
for example constantly eating processed foods containing hidden sugars and fat.
In times gone by we might have been able to work off the effects of these foods by living full and active lives, playing sport, etc.
Our lifestyle these days means we spend hours looking at computer screens or watching television.
If you do nothing about it, type 2 diabetes will shorten your lifespan and cause you to live with health complications you never thought would happen to you.
The path followed by uncontrolled blood sugar levels may lead to:
  • Nephropathy: damage to your kidneys with potential kidney failure.
    Your kidneys become larger as a result of the increased sugar and water flowing through them
  • Retinopathy: damage to your eyes, including potential blindness
  • Neuropathy: damage to the nerves with potential loss of sensation, loss of muscular movement, and pain
Not having an annual checkup and requesting a fasting blood sugar test.
Type 2 diabetes is easily detected during a routine annual health check.
It seldom develops beyond reversible bounds in any one year, and the problems that may develop during this period are, generally speaking, reversible by switching to a healthy lifestyle.
A large number of people who develop type 2 diabetes unfortunately choose to ignore medical advice...
one of the most common mistakes is thinking the health complication will not happen to you.
Many chose to continue smoking, drinking excessively, not to lose weight or exercise moderately.
As a result of this many, many people who might have lived long, healthy, productive lives are forced to deal with the outcome of their decision to not follow a healthy lifestyle, lose weight and lower their blood sugar levels.
What will your choice be?
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