Health & Medical Eating & Food

Ceramic Knife

A good knife can make a massive difference for anyone who spends a lot of time in the kitchen, making life far easier, meals more tasty and even preventing accidents. Chopping onions or tough chicken is something that even the most hardy chefs among us tend to avoid, but with a good knife (preferably one thats incredibly sharp and large) it can instantly become a joy more than a chore. For this reason, a knife is something you should replace often to ensure cooking remains as easy as it can be; and also makes a great gift for almost anyone.

While most knives are fairly standard however, there are some interesting variations on the theme. Matching knife sets for example can make great gifts and also be incredibly useful in your own kitchen. Something really different however is the ceramic knife, which replaces the usual steel blade with one made from ceramic or zirconia to make a utensil thats different, more practical and more affordable.

Zirconia is an element thats extracted from a mineral called zircon, itself a strong metal similar in appearance and texture to titanium. This zirconia is itself often used in jewellery due to its looking highly similar to diamond with the same kind of hardness (a diamond is so tough that it can only be cut by another diamond). Diamond is the hardest substance known to man, but obviously a diamond knife would be fairly expensive (okay, incredibly expensive). However, zirconia can be used to create durable and light cutlery that trumps the traditional metal knives in many ways, the piece de resistance being the ceramic knife.

By applying pressure to zirconia powder (300 tonnes of pressure to be precise) it is possible to create a substance with a hardness equal to 8.5 on the Mohs Scale used to measure mineral hardness. This makes ceramic knives at least 2 higher than even the toughest steel knives and only 1.5 lower than diamond, making them some of the most durable knives in the world. Through this enhanced durability you can be certain that your knife wont break, while at the same time being able to file it to a far sharper edge that can be used to effortlessly cut through even the toughest gristle and sometimes bone. This will also mean that the knives need to be sharpened less frequently.

At the same time a ceramic knife will not rust and due to the density of the chemical composition can resist stains. This also means that old ceramic knives will not affect the taste of your food, which can be a problem with old metal blades. Additionally ceramic is more resistant to bacteria and corrosive elements while also being lighter and staying affordable. Truly then a knives made from zirconia are superior in every way to a conventional steel knife which will feel heavy and dull in comparison while not lasting as long soon becoming rusty, blunt and stained. This all means that not only will you enjoy cooking and cutting more with a ceramic knife (and prevent slipping and cutting your fingers), but that you will have made an investment in the long run with a knife for life not just for Christmas dinner.
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