Health & Medical Anxiety

Panic Disorder: Three Key Personality Traits of the Panic Prone Person

My study of panic disorder for over three decades reveals 3 personality characteristics of the Panic Prone Person.
Examine the Panic Prone Personality Trait Inventory below to see how well you fit into the Pre Panic Profile.
Panic Prone Personality Trait Inventory Personality Trait One: The Over Accommodation/People Pleaser...
"I am Sorry Syndrome.
  1. Do you worry excessively about what others think of you?
  2. Do worry excessively about whether people are mad at you?
  3. Do you avoid conflict and confrontation at all cost?
  4. Do you find it difficult to say no, even when you know people are taking advantage of you?
  5. Do you always put other's needs before your own?
  6. Are you a stress absorber, absorbing the stress of others, and taking excessive responsibility for their well-being?
Personality Trait Two: Sensitivity to loss/ separation and conflict
  1. Do you worry excessively about the safety and well-being of your family and close friends?
  2. Do constantly fear the possibility of separating or losing someone you love?
  3. Do you worry excessively about coping alone and getting sick?
  4. Do you worry excessively about your own health and death and dying?
Personality Trait Three: Emotional stuffing
  1. Do you bottle up your emotions for fear of upsetting or hurting other's feelings?
  2. Do you minimize feeling of frustration and resentment inside you to avoid a confrontation?
  3. Do you hold in feelings of sadness or anger?
  4. Do you believe displays of sad or angry feelings are a sign of weakness?
  5. Are you the rock in the relationship and try to smooth out the ruffles?
  6. Is "don't rock the boat" your interpersonal goal?
These three personality traits can combine with the buildup of chronic stress in your life to set off the first panic explosion.
These three personality traits can combine with chronic stress buildup to produce those dreaded recurring panic episodes.
Understanding your interpersonal style and how you manage chronic stressors in your life is the key to living panic-free.
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