Business & Finance Social Media

How to Generate Online Leads Through the Use of a Facebook Page

There are many boring and step by step videos and articles on the subject of social media, especially Facebook, so I'm going to cut through the rubbish and get to the bottom of how you can generate targeted leads from your Facebook page.
So first of all you see many people staring at their laptops or mobiles using Facebook as a way of connecting with their friends and family, and sure that's the aim of Facebook, to connect people much easier.
So how can you use this service to really build your business and generate targeted leads to your site? You could even be in the position where you've already tried this and had no results whatsoever.
As a general rule of thumb, how much money should you make from Facebook? Many people I speak to make a plan to make £100 a week, maybe even £1000 a month.
But the truth is you should set out to make nothing directly from Facebook, that's right, nothing.
And I say this to stop you making the same mistake that everybody else makes when they set about trying to generate leads from their Facebook page.
Most people go round and round in circles getting more and more frustrated and eventually give up.
Facebook is there to connect people, it was not formed to just pitch products to potential buyers, it was created to connect people and share photos and whatnot.
So what you must understand is that its about making friends and connections that will potentially buy a product from you in the future.
So now lets talk about how your going to go about generating those targeted leads to your site.
Whether it be your Facebook profile or page there is a great tip I will share with you after reading everything so far.
You want to treat your page as your home.
And im not joking, if you were to host a party at your house, your going to have pictures about you or your business, what your up to, etc, etc...
Point being you want them to be welcomed and be able to get to know you.
Then your going to offer them something of value, just like at a party if you were to offer around a few beers or a bottle of wine, your going to do something similar and offer them something completely free.
An idea if you are into email marketing you could get them to opt in to your list to get this gift.
But what if someone who doesn't really need or want my product comes across my Facebook page? I bet most people wont think about this aspect, so its another great tip to read.
If that person comes away from your site thinking your a nice guy/girl, or maybe its your business/service, then they might get talking to one of their friends and recommend them to you.
Which does seem simple but its what most people don't get their heads around and its why they keep going round in circles and eventually giving up.
Its that old saying of "its quality, not quantity.
" If you can make 100 strong connections on your Facebook page, surely that's better than 1000 people who visited your page, thought the information was ok, then left and kept on searching for someone who was offering more value?
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