If you are one of those people, who wakes up at say 7:45 am in the morning, then the maximum time, before which you must begin your first meal is say, 8:00 am max. So in this case, you ideally need to have your first meal at 8:00 am in the morning. As part of your first meal you could consume two or three granola. This should ideally be accompanied by 2 cups of soy milk, and finally you could square off this meal with one orange. Thereafter, you could take a two or three hour break or rest period in which, while you are on this full stomach, you could involve yourself with your daily routines, or day-to-day activities and responsibilities.
You could then have your next meal at 11:00 am in the morning. For this meal, you could go for roughly four ounces of soy meat, accompanied of two slices of soy cheese. This meal can be squared off with two slices of organic whole wheat bread. Alternatively, another idea of an 11:00 am meal is that you start off with two table spoons of natural peanut butter that has not been sweetened or is devoid of sugar. This can be accompanied by one whole organic whole wheat bagel. This meal can then be squared off with a small size banana or a full cup of dried organic raisins.
Again you can off on a break from your meal, pursuing your regular activities, before you return for yet another meal after 3 hours. This is your after-noon 2 pm, pre-workout meal. It is advised that you start off with consuming two slices of organic whole wheat bread. This can be followed by one small banana. If you happened to have a banana in your 11 am meal, then it would be a good idea to have an orange instead, in this 2 pm meal. Finally, you can square off this meal with roughly 20 grams of soy protein powder. Another alternative for the 2 pm, pre-workout meal is to have an organic soy protein bar with a small banana.
Once you are done with your workouts, you will need to immediately consume a post-work-out meal. So in this instance, this post work out meal can be consumed at say, 4 pm. It is advised that you start with 20 grams of soy, hemp or rice protein. This can be followed by eight ounces of organic soda and a small apple. This can be squared off with a bagel.
You could take your next meal at around 6 pm in the evening. You could go for 6 ounces of Tofu with 2 cups of assorted organic vegetables, such as, broccoli, spinach, cooked carrots, onions and garbanzo beans.
Your last and final meal to wrap off your day would be your 10 pm meal. You could opt for two table spoons of natural non-sweetened peanut butter with either 20 grams of soy or hemp proteins mixed in 8 ounces of soy milk or just one organic soy protein bar.
At other times during the day, you could drink water and green tea whenever you feel thirsty, and if you feel like cheating yourself once or twice a week on your diet, just grab (only) one scoop of soy ice cream.
You could then have your next meal at 11:00 am in the morning. For this meal, you could go for roughly four ounces of soy meat, accompanied of two slices of soy cheese. This meal can be squared off with two slices of organic whole wheat bread. Alternatively, another idea of an 11:00 am meal is that you start off with two table spoons of natural peanut butter that has not been sweetened or is devoid of sugar. This can be accompanied by one whole organic whole wheat bagel. This meal can then be squared off with a small size banana or a full cup of dried organic raisins.
Again you can off on a break from your meal, pursuing your regular activities, before you return for yet another meal after 3 hours. This is your after-noon 2 pm, pre-workout meal. It is advised that you start off with consuming two slices of organic whole wheat bread. This can be followed by one small banana. If you happened to have a banana in your 11 am meal, then it would be a good idea to have an orange instead, in this 2 pm meal. Finally, you can square off this meal with roughly 20 grams of soy protein powder. Another alternative for the 2 pm, pre-workout meal is to have an organic soy protein bar with a small banana.
Once you are done with your workouts, you will need to immediately consume a post-work-out meal. So in this instance, this post work out meal can be consumed at say, 4 pm. It is advised that you start with 20 grams of soy, hemp or rice protein. This can be followed by eight ounces of organic soda and a small apple. This can be squared off with a bagel.
You could take your next meal at around 6 pm in the evening. You could go for 6 ounces of Tofu with 2 cups of assorted organic vegetables, such as, broccoli, spinach, cooked carrots, onions and garbanzo beans.
Your last and final meal to wrap off your day would be your 10 pm meal. You could opt for two table spoons of natural non-sweetened peanut butter with either 20 grams of soy or hemp proteins mixed in 8 ounces of soy milk or just one organic soy protein bar.
At other times during the day, you could drink water and green tea whenever you feel thirsty, and if you feel like cheating yourself once or twice a week on your diet, just grab (only) one scoop of soy ice cream.