Business & Finance Corporations

How to Overcome the "Ducks in a Row" Syndrome

Do you have this syndrome? A lot of us do, we just have to have the ducks lined up just so, before it is perfect to begin whatever it is that we need/want to do.
Another word for this, and I know you will hate it, but it has to be faced - is "PROCRASTINATION".
We might fool ourselves by justifying all the reasons why we can't get on and do something, but it is always to do with procrastinating.
There are lots of reasons why we do this, and it varies from person to person and from situation to situation.
One thing in common though is it is self-sabotage.
Why on earth would we sabotage ourselves? It makes no sense, but we do it every time we delay doing something important or even something trivial but vital to our well being.
Why do we procrastinate and is there anything we can do about it? Feeling overwhelmed This is one of the main reasons we procrastinate.
All the stuff we have to do, swims around in our heads and builds up and up, until it seems like there is this huge mountain to climb and we just don't know where to start, so we don't start.
The simple answer to this is to prioritise.
Break down the list of "to do" into A, B and C tasks and work on the A's only.
Don't be too ambitious about it, just one little step at a time is all that is required.
Breaking the big tasks down into small, manageable bites makes it all seem a bit more do-able.
Set a deadline and factor in a reward for yourself! It all has to be perfect first That's what I refer to as the "ducks in a row" syndrome.
We become paralysed because the conditions aren't just so and the result is nothing gets done.
A good way to overcome this is to think of the end result.
Really visualise how you will feel, how you will look, what it does for you to achieve this thing.
Do a vision board of it to help the "emotional buy in", so that you feel excited and motivated to achieve whatever it is.
Then you just have to DO IT.
Conditions are never more perfect than they are at this very minute.
"Putting off an easy thing makes it hard.
Putting off a hard thing makes it impossible.
" George Claude Lorimer Not knowing what decision to make There are a lot of tools and strategies and studies around this, as it is such a difficult thing for most people.
The worst thing we can do is not make any decision.
It may be as simple as doing a "pros and cons" analysis, which helps clarify the decision.
Going back to basics and getting clear on where you want to be headed, what your values are and what is important to you helps too.
Making a decision, whether right or wrong will energise you and help you feel more in control.
So get the monkey off your back and get that decision made!
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