One of the earliest signs of aging can be found in the face.
This is the formation of the Nasal Labial Fold, or more commonly called nose to mouth lines.
These lines start at the bottom the nose and run past each side of the mouth to just the bottom of the bottom lip.
I've noticed my own in the last few years, and to some they hold a rather distinctive look of old age.
I'm in my mid forties, and am in the prime age for the development of these lines.
Where Do These Lines Come From? A facial structure known as the malar fat pad exists high in the face, normally attached to the cheek bones.
This is what gives some people the attractive appearance of high cheekbones.
As with most sagging parts of our body, the fat pad, and the skin around the cheek begin to sag.
The muscles used for smiling, are connected to the mouth (obviously).
The very act of smiling, forms a line on the face from the nose to the mouth.
This is refereed to as the naso labial line.
The more you smile, the more prominent this line becomes.
Those with deep nasal labial lines were obviously very happy people throughout their lives.
Removal Of The Nasal Labial Folds There are several methods to remove these age lines.
Some are surgical, and some are not.
This is a totally optional process, as these lines are a normal occurring side effect of the aging process.
Those in their thirties or forties that have these deepening lines often make the decision to have them removed because they are excessively prominent.
Surgical Procedures To Remove Nasal Labial Folds The procedure commonly known as a cheek or face lift are quite successful for this type of cosmetic correction.
Sagging skin along with cheek tissue is detached after an incision is made.
The fat pad of the cheek, and the loose skin is positioned higher on the face, above the cheekbones.
Non-surgical Procedures The injection of soft tissue is a fairly common procedure intended to fill the fold lines.
This is not a permanent procedure, as the filling material is biodegradable must be refilled every year or so.
Some of the more common substances used are Sculptra, Perlane, and Restalyn.
Getting a liquid facelift is another non surgical technique.
Substances are used to fill in this procedure as well, but they are applied to a different area of the face.
The filler substances are applied to the cheekbone areas.
Laser therapies, are another emerging non surgical technique, that works well with this problem.
It's been proven, that collagen will shrink and tighten when enough heat is applied to it.
Laser light can provide this heat.
It's a bit of a tricky procedure, as the deeper layers of the face are heated, the outer skin must be kept cool to prevent visible damage.
This procedure does not normally totally eliminate the nasal labial fold, but merely serves to make the fold less visible.
Doing It Without A Doctor The best, least expensive, and most convenient way of getting this look, is not to develop the lines in the first place.
While this may only put off the inevitable, the all natural approach is often a healthier one.
Prevention is the best approach of all.
Exercise and other healthy life style choices like a healthy diet, avoidance of smoking, avoidance of over drinking and low stress levels all contribute to a youthful appearance.
Not to mention many other benefits.
And most of all, keep on smiling ;)
This is the formation of the Nasal Labial Fold, or more commonly called nose to mouth lines.
These lines start at the bottom the nose and run past each side of the mouth to just the bottom of the bottom lip.
I've noticed my own in the last few years, and to some they hold a rather distinctive look of old age.
I'm in my mid forties, and am in the prime age for the development of these lines.
Where Do These Lines Come From? A facial structure known as the malar fat pad exists high in the face, normally attached to the cheek bones.
This is what gives some people the attractive appearance of high cheekbones.
As with most sagging parts of our body, the fat pad, and the skin around the cheek begin to sag.
The muscles used for smiling, are connected to the mouth (obviously).
The very act of smiling, forms a line on the face from the nose to the mouth.
This is refereed to as the naso labial line.
The more you smile, the more prominent this line becomes.
Those with deep nasal labial lines were obviously very happy people throughout their lives.
Removal Of The Nasal Labial Folds There are several methods to remove these age lines.
Some are surgical, and some are not.
This is a totally optional process, as these lines are a normal occurring side effect of the aging process.
Those in their thirties or forties that have these deepening lines often make the decision to have them removed because they are excessively prominent.
Surgical Procedures To Remove Nasal Labial Folds The procedure commonly known as a cheek or face lift are quite successful for this type of cosmetic correction.
Sagging skin along with cheek tissue is detached after an incision is made.
The fat pad of the cheek, and the loose skin is positioned higher on the face, above the cheekbones.
Non-surgical Procedures The injection of soft tissue is a fairly common procedure intended to fill the fold lines.
This is not a permanent procedure, as the filling material is biodegradable must be refilled every year or so.
Some of the more common substances used are Sculptra, Perlane, and Restalyn.
Getting a liquid facelift is another non surgical technique.
Substances are used to fill in this procedure as well, but they are applied to a different area of the face.
The filler substances are applied to the cheekbone areas.
Laser therapies, are another emerging non surgical technique, that works well with this problem.
It's been proven, that collagen will shrink and tighten when enough heat is applied to it.
Laser light can provide this heat.
It's a bit of a tricky procedure, as the deeper layers of the face are heated, the outer skin must be kept cool to prevent visible damage.
This procedure does not normally totally eliminate the nasal labial fold, but merely serves to make the fold less visible.
Doing It Without A Doctor The best, least expensive, and most convenient way of getting this look, is not to develop the lines in the first place.
While this may only put off the inevitable, the all natural approach is often a healthier one.
Prevention is the best approach of all.
Exercise and other healthy life style choices like a healthy diet, avoidance of smoking, avoidance of over drinking and low stress levels all contribute to a youthful appearance.
Not to mention many other benefits.
And most of all, keep on smiling ;)